如何更新 vForm 输入值
How to update vForm input value
我正在使用 vForm with FullCalendar,并且我正在使用 bootstrap 模式来编辑日历上的事件。当我在日历上单击一个事件时,它会打开带有表单的模式,它是输入,我将数据从 Fullcalendar eventclick() 方法发送到 vForm,但它没有显示在表单中,并且表单输入为空。到目前为止,这是我尝试过的方法,其中 none 个有效,我添加了注释以使事情更清楚:
失败 1:
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.js";
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.css";
import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from "vform";
Vue.component(HasError.name, HasError);
Vue.component(AlertError.name, AlertError);
var editTitle = "";
var editStart = "";
var editEnd = "";
var editdesc = "";
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
mounted() {
const date = new Date();
const d = date.getDate();
const m = date.getMonth();
const y = date.getFullYear();
const events = this.workingHours;
height: 800,
header: {
left: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay",
center: "title",
right: "today prev,next"
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
editStart = calEvent.start.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
editEnd = calEvent.end.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
editTitle = calEvent.title;
editdesc = calEvent.desc;
var xpos = jsEvent.pageX;
var ypos = jsEvent.pageY;
console.log(editTitle); //at this stage the editTitle variable is updated with the new value but down in the form the title is not updated with the new value
return false;
data() {
return {
// Create a new form instance
form: new Form({
title: editTitle, //here the value is not updated with the new value so the input in the form is empty
start: editStart,
end: editEnd,
desc: editdesc
methods: {
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + 1).then(({ data }) => { //don't worry about the plus one i'm using it for testing purpose
失败 2:
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.js";
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.css";
import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from "vform";
Vue.component(HasError.name, HasError);
Vue.component(AlertError.name, AlertError);
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
mounted() {
const date = new Date();
const d = date.getDate();
const m = date.getMonth();
const y = date.getFullYear();
const events = this.workingHours;
height: 800,
header: {
left: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay",
center: "title",
right: "today prev,next"
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
this.form.start = calEvent.start.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
this.form.end = calEvent.end.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
this.form.title = calEvent.title; //So for this I'm using the Vform's API to update the values but it gives error that the title is not defined
this.form.desc = calEvent.desc;
var xpos = jsEvent.pageX;
var ypos = jsEvent.pageY;
return false;
data() {
return {
// Create a new form instance
form: new Form({
title: "", //here the value still is not updated with the new value so the input in the form is empty
start: "",
end: "",
desc: ""
methods: {
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + 1).then(({ data }) => { //don't worry about the plus one i'm using it for testing purpose
所以在@ADyson 的帮助下我可以让它工作,多亏了他,我一直在使用旧版本并更新到最新版本并将 Fullcalendar 库更改为 VUE 版本。所以现在事件点击被触发正在改变 vForm 的输入值我将添加下面的整个代码试图添加评论。现在唯一的问题是除了使用我正在使用 vue-datetime 的 vForm 和 Fullcalendar 库之外,当将值发送到表单时组件输入值为空我认为这个问题与 [=14= 中的日期时间格式更相关],所以我欺骗了在日期时间组件上添加徽章以显示旧值。我知道这不是正确的做法,但现在它很好
import FullCalendar from "@fullcalendar/vue";
import dayGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/daygrid";
import timeGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/timegrid";
import interactionPlugin from "@fullcalendar/interaction";
var eventID = 0;
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
components: {
FullCalendar // make the <FullCalendar> tag available
data: function() {
return {
calendarPlugins: [
// plugins must be defined in the JS
interactionPlugin // needed for dateClick
calendarWeekends: true,
form: new Form({
title: "",
start: "",
end: "",
desc: ""
methods: {
handleDateClick(info) {
eventID = info.event.id;
const startTime = moment(info.event.start).format('yyyy-MM-DD hh:MM:SS');
const endTime = moment(info.event.end).format('yyyy-MM-DD hh:MM:SS');
this.form.title = info.event.title;
this.form.start = startTime;
this.form.end = endTime;
this.form.desc = info.event.extendedProps.desc;
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + eventID).then(({ data }) => {
我正在使用 vForm with FullCalendar,并且我正在使用 bootstrap 模式来编辑日历上的事件。当我在日历上单击一个事件时,它会打开带有表单的模式,它是输入,我将数据从 Fullcalendar eventclick() 方法发送到 vForm,但它没有显示在表单中,并且表单输入为空。到目前为止,这是我尝试过的方法,其中 none 个有效,我添加了注释以使事情更清楚:
失败 1:
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.js";
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.css";
import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from "vform";
Vue.component(HasError.name, HasError);
Vue.component(AlertError.name, AlertError);
var editTitle = "";
var editStart = "";
var editEnd = "";
var editdesc = "";
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
mounted() {
const date = new Date();
const d = date.getDate();
const m = date.getMonth();
const y = date.getFullYear();
const events = this.workingHours;
height: 800,
header: {
left: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay",
center: "title",
right: "today prev,next"
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
editStart = calEvent.start.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
editEnd = calEvent.end.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
editTitle = calEvent.title;
editdesc = calEvent.desc;
var xpos = jsEvent.pageX;
var ypos = jsEvent.pageY;
console.log(editTitle); //at this stage the editTitle variable is updated with the new value but down in the form the title is not updated with the new value
return false;
data() {
return {
// Create a new form instance
form: new Form({
title: editTitle, //here the value is not updated with the new value so the input in the form is empty
start: editStart,
end: editEnd,
desc: editdesc
methods: {
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + 1).then(({ data }) => { //don't worry about the plus one i'm using it for testing purpose
失败 2:
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.js";
import "fullcalendar/dist/fullcalendar.min.css";
import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from "vform";
Vue.component(HasError.name, HasError);
Vue.component(AlertError.name, AlertError);
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
mounted() {
const date = new Date();
const d = date.getDate();
const m = date.getMonth();
const y = date.getFullYear();
const events = this.workingHours;
height: 800,
header: {
left: "month,agendaWeek,agendaDay",
center: "title",
right: "today prev,next"
eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
this.form.start = calEvent.start.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
this.form.end = calEvent.end.format("MM/DD/YYYY, h:mm a");
this.form.title = calEvent.title; //So for this I'm using the Vform's API to update the values but it gives error that the title is not defined
this.form.desc = calEvent.desc;
var xpos = jsEvent.pageX;
var ypos = jsEvent.pageY;
return false;
data() {
return {
// Create a new form instance
form: new Form({
title: "", //here the value still is not updated with the new value so the input in the form is empty
start: "",
end: "",
desc: ""
methods: {
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + 1).then(({ data }) => { //don't worry about the plus one i'm using it for testing purpose
所以在@ADyson 的帮助下我可以让它工作,多亏了他,我一直在使用旧版本并更新到最新版本并将 Fullcalendar 库更改为 VUE 版本。所以现在事件点击被触发正在改变 vForm 的输入值我将添加下面的整个代码试图添加评论。现在唯一的问题是除了使用我正在使用 vue-datetime 的 vForm 和 Fullcalendar 库之外,当将值发送到表单时组件输入值为空我认为这个问题与 [=14= 中的日期时间格式更相关],所以我欺骗了在日期时间组件上添加徽章以显示旧值。我知道这不是正确的做法,但现在它很好
import FullCalendar from "@fullcalendar/vue";
import dayGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/daygrid";
import timeGridPlugin from "@fullcalendar/timegrid";
import interactionPlugin from "@fullcalendar/interaction";
var eventID = 0;
export default {
props: ["workingHours"],
components: {
FullCalendar // make the <FullCalendar> tag available
data: function() {
return {
calendarPlugins: [
// plugins must be defined in the JS
interactionPlugin // needed for dateClick
calendarWeekends: true,
form: new Form({
title: "",
start: "",
end: "",
desc: ""
methods: {
handleDateClick(info) {
eventID = info.event.id;
const startTime = moment(info.event.start).format('yyyy-MM-DD hh:MM:SS');
const endTime = moment(info.event.end).format('yyyy-MM-DD hh:MM:SS');
this.form.title = info.event.title;
this.form.start = startTime;
this.form.end = endTime;
this.form.desc = info.event.extendedProps.desc;
updateEvent() {
// Submit the form via a PUT request
this.form.put("/api/workinghours/update/" + eventID).then(({ data }) => {