unity ParticleSystem collidesWith 碰撞

Unity ParticleSystem collidesWith

我正在尝试更改脚本内粒子系统的 collidesWith 参数,但出现此错误:

Error CS1612 Cannot modify the return value of 'ParticleSystem.collision' because it is not a variable


GameObject ammo; //Game object with ParticleSystem on it
public LayerMask desiredLayers; 

private void Start()
    ammo.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().collision.collidesWith = desiredLayers;


好吧,我明白了,显然 ParticleSystem 是 属性。

Unity 有一些特殊的 ParticleSystem,它使用指针,所以下面的代码解决了我的问题:

var collidesWith = ammo.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().collision.collidesWith;
collidesWith = desiredLayers;