在 R 中查找 table 时精确匹配字符串

match strings exactly on lookup table in R

我有一个 table 的查找值,其中包含要查找和替换的模式,但这些模式的字符串包含彼此,我想完全匹配它们。

lookup <- tibble(
  pattern = c("ONE", "ONET", "ONETR"),
  replacement = c("one new", "this is 2", "for 3")
other_table <- tibble(
  strings = c(
    "I want to replace ONE",
    "Or ONET is what to change",
    "We can change ONE again",
    "ONETR also can be replaced"
  other_dat = 1:4

我试过使用 stringi 但是当模式相互包含时这不起作用。

other_table %>%
    strings = stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
      pattern = lookup$pattern, 
      replacement = lookup$replacement,
      vectorize_all = FALSE)

我可以使用什么函数将 in_table$strings 中找到的所有模式替换为 lookup$replacement


  strings                        other_dat
  <chr>                              <int>
1 I want to replace one new              1
2 Or this is 2 is what to change         2
3 We can change one new again            3
4 for 3 also can be replaced             4


在正则表达式中使用单词边界(不固定),例如 "\b"

other_table %>%
    strings = stringi::stri_replace_all(
      regex = paste0("\b", lookup$pattern, "\b"), 
      replacement = lookup$replacement,
      vectorize_all = FALSE)
# # A tibble: 4 x 2
#   strings                        other_dat
#   <chr>                              <int>
# 1 I want to replace one new              1
# 2 Or this is 2 is what to change         2
# 3 We can change one new again            3
# 4 for 3 also can be replaced             4