
What does a reference point to when it is declared to be equal to another reference? Begginer Reference Semantics

我是一名新程序员,我正在尝试理解 Java 中的引用语义。 我对下面的代码有一些疑问...

public class Library {
     public void checkOut(Book b) {      
         //assume that field of b is changed that          
         //shows book is checked out
    public static void main(String [] args) {
         Book b1 = new Book(…);
         Book b2 = new Book(…);
         Book b3 = b2;
         Library l = new Library();
         if (b3.isCheckedOut()) {
         } else { 

我理解main方法的前两行构造book references和book objects,新创建的对象存储在reference variables中。



I understand that the first two lines in the main method construct book references and book objects, and the newly created objects are stored in the reference variables.


Or is it that the b3 reference that is created will point directly to the second book object in memory?

是的,b2 引用被复制到 b3 引用,现在 b3 引用同一个对象。

When the fourth line of the main method is executed, is it that the book object in memory is changed, and that change will be reflected when either b2 or b3 is called again?
