如何根据其他 table 中的数据在 table 上创建 SQLite 触发器?

How do I create an SQLite trigger on a table based on data in other tables?

我有两个表 -

part(partID, brand, price, size)
consists_of(customerID, partID, quantity, price, shipdate)
                        FK part.ID from part

Table part 永远不会是 changed/updated,但 consists_of 会。

  1. How do I add a [before insert?] trigger on consists_of that checks if consists_of.price for each entry is less than or equal consists_of.quantity * part.price for that particular consists_of.partID and raises an abort if it isn't so?


  1. How do I add [after insert?] trigger on consists_of that does INSERT INTO consists_of(price) VALUES (...) where the value of consists_of.price is equal to consists_of.quantity * part.price for that consists_of.partID?

如果我没理解错的话,你可以在子查询中 select part.price 并计算 part.price * consists_of.quantitiy.

  1. 插入前
CREATE TABLE part(part_id INTEGER, price INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE consists_of(customer_id INTEGER, part_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, price INTEGER);

INSERT INTO part VALUES(10, 50);
INSERT INTO part VALUES (20, 1000);

CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS raise_if_consists_of_price_too_expensive
AFTER INSERT ON consists_of
WHEN new.price > (SELECT part.price * new.quantity FROM part WHERE part.part_id = new.part_id)
  SELECT RAISE (ABORT, 'too expensive.');

 -- OK
INSERT INTO consists_of(customer_id, part_id, quantity, price)
VALUES(10050, 20, 31, 100);
 -- OK
INSERT INTO consists_of(customer_id, part_id, quantity, price)
VALUES(80030, 10, 9, 50 * 9);
 -- Raise abort
INSERT INTO consists_of(customer_id, part_id, quantity, price)
VALUES(80099, 10, 9, 50 * 9 + 1);

  1. 插入后
CREATE TABLE part(part_id INTEGER, price INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE consists_of(customer_id INTEGER, part_id INTEGER, quantity INTEGER, price INTEGER);

INSERT INTO part VALUES(10, 50);
INSERT INTO part VALUES (20, 1000);

CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS fill_consists_of_price
AFTER INSERT ON consists_of
  UPDATE consists_of
  price = (
    SELECT consists_of.quantity * part.price
    FROM part
    WHERE part.part_id = consists_of.part_id
  WHERE customer_id = new.customer_id AND part_id = new.part_id

INSERT INTO consists_of(customer_id, part_id ,quantity)
VALUES(10050, 20, 31);

INSERT INTO consists_of(customer_id, part_id ,quantity)
VALUES(80033, 10, 9);