Space php 形式的字符之间

Space between characters in php form

        ini_set( display_errors, 1 );
        error_reporting( E_ALL );
        $email = $_POST['myEmail'];
        $name = $_POST['myName'];
        $news = $_POST['news'];

        if($news != 'Yes') 
        $news = 'No';  

        $to = "";
        $subject = "Add me to the Launch Day Notification List!";
        $headers = "From:".$email;
        $txt = "This person wishes to be added to the launch day notification list".$name <br>
        "Does this person wish to subscribe to the newsletter?".$news;
        echo "Thank you for your inquiry, you will be added to our launch day notification list!";

我的问题出在 $txt 部分,我希望 $name 和 $news 与句子的最后一个字符之间有间距。而且,我如何在两个问题之间添加一个中断,以便它们输出如下:

此人希望添加到发布日通知列表中:姓名在此 此人是否希望订阅时事通讯?是或否


$txt = "This person wishes to be added to the launch day notification list $name<br>Does this person wish to subscribe to the newsletter? $news";

如果您不发送 HTML 电子邮件,您应该将 <br> 替换为 "\n" 就像

$txt = "This person wishes to be added to the launch day notification list $name\nDoes this person wish to subscribe to the newsletter? $news";