kustomize:使用 Argo Rollout CRD 进行战略合并

kustomize: Strategic Merge using Argo Rollout CRD

我正在转换我的一些 kustomize 代码以使用 Argo CRD Rollout 类型(https://argoproj.github.io/argo-rollouts/) from Deployment kind. The big reason is the ability to easily do Blue/Green and Canary deployments. However my problem is kustomize doesn't know about Argo Rollout kind. So any type of strategic merges fails and I use strategic merges quite a bit. From my research, I believe I need to register a custom transformer, but I'm not sure how it all fits together. So far, I came across this: https://github.com/keleustes/kustomize/blob/airshipctl/kustomize/register/RolloutCRDRegister.go But I'm unclear how to proceed. I did come across another project that seem to be doing something similar. See: https://github.com/viaduct-ai/kustomize-sops#argo-cd-integration-

有没有人使用过 kustomize 的 CRD 并可以提供一点帮助?


我发现了一些关于此类似限制的 github 问题。这是我关注的那个:https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/1510

在此期间最好的办法是分叉 kustomize 代码。我正在使用的支持 Argo Rollout 的存储库是 https://github.com/keleustes/kustomize。这不是最好的情况,但我相信这个功能会在未来几个月内添加。