关于 Jenkins 产生 NAN% 和空报告的 Allure 报告 URL

Allure report on Jenkins producing NAN% and null report URL

关于 Jenkins 生成 NAN% 和空报告的 Allure 报告 URL。我在下面有一个管道,它正在 URL /null/ 上生成报告。在我的目录中添加 ${env.HOME} 之前它工作正常。但是现在不行了

pipeline {

    agent {
        label {
            label ""
            customWorkspace "${env.HOME}/test"

  tools {nodejs "node"}

  stages {
        stage('Checkout App') {
            steps {
                dir("${env.HOME}/app") {
                echo "Building.."
                sh 'git pull'
                // build shopfloor app
                dir("${env.HOME}/app") {
                sh "/${env.HOME}/test/App.sh"


        post('Publish Report') {
          always {
            script {
                includeProperties: false,
                jdk: '',
                properties: [],
                reportBuildPolicy: 'ALWAYS',
                results: [[path: 'target/allure_results']]



allure-results does not exists
Report successfully generated to /Users/john/.jenkins/null/test/allure-report
Allure report was successfully generated.
Creating artifact for the build.
Artifact was added to the build.

您正在工作区内创建一个包含 dir("${env.HOME}/app"){...} 的目录。由于这个原因,allure 没有找到结果,你可以这样做:


results: [[path: '$WORKSPACE/${env.HOME}/app/target/allure_results']]