
How do I append to a string?

所以我有一个字符串,我想根据用户输入向其中添加更多内容。例如,字符串的默认值为 "The two numbers from input are: $" ,一旦用户输入 2 个数字,比如 21 和 42,则字符串应更改为 "The two numbers from input are: 21 42" 以便我可以将它们写入文件。这是我的代码:

.model small          
.stack 100
        Num1 DB ?     ;input  
        Num2 DB ?

        text db "The two numbers from input are:  $"  ;This is the string I want to change according to input
        filename db "decimal.txt",0
        handler dw ?    

  mov  ax,@data
  mov  ds,ax 

        ;Get tens digit
        MOV ah, 1h   
        INT 21h      
        SUB al,30h   
        MOV dl, al                     

        ;Multiply first digit by 10 (tens)  
        MOV cl, al
        MOV ch, 0
        MOV bl, 10
        MUL bl   
        MOV Num1, al 

        ;Get ones digit    
        MOV ah, 1h  
        INT 21h     
        SUB al,30h   
        MOV dl, al   
        ADD Num1, dl

        ;Get tens digit
        MOV ah, 1h   
        INT 21h      
        SUB al,30h   
        MOV dl, al                     

        ;Multiply first digit by 10 (tens)  
        MOV cl, al
        MOV ch, 0
        MOV bl, 10
        MUL bl   
        MOV Num2, al 

        ;Get ones digit    
        MOV ah, 1h  
        INT 21h     
        SUB al,30h   
        MOV dl, al   
        ADD Num2, dl 


        ;create file
        MOV  ah, 3ch
        MOV  cx, 0
        MOV  dx, offset filename
        INT  21h  

        ;file handler
        MOV handler, Ax

        ;write string
        MOV ah, 40h
        MOV Bx, handler
        MOV Cx, 50  ;string length
        MOV Dx, offset text
        INT 21h  

        MOV Ax, 4c00h
        INT 21h

    end start



然而,话虽如此,它在您的用例中略有不同。由于您已经知道您的两个数字都是两位数,因此您可以执行字符串格式化之类的操作 (à la printf)。也就是说:您已经在字符串中保留了一些 space 作为数字应该去的位置并将数字写入该位置。



    ; note the 'NN' as placeholder for the numbers to follow
    text  db  "My numbers: NN NN", $

    mov   ah, 01h           ; read a character
    int   21h

    mov   ds:[text+13], al  ; store the character at position 13 in the text

    sub   al, '0'           ; convert the character to a number as before
    mov   cl, al