Apple Developer Program:如何在不访问 Apple 设备的情况下激活 Apple ID 的双因素身份验证?

Apple Developer Program: How to activate Two-factor authentication for Apple ID without access to an Apple device?

一家公司想要分发我代表他们开发的 iOS 应用程序。但是为了注册 Apple Developer Program,他们需要激活双因素身份验证。

但他们没有 Mac 或 iOS 设备来接收验证码。如何为他们的 Apple ID 启用双因素身份验证?

您可以使用手机号码接收短信验证码。请参阅此 Apple 支持文档,Two-factor authentication for Apple ID

Trusted phone numbers

A trusted phone number is a number that can be used to receive verification codes by text message or automated phone call. You must verify at least one trusted phone number to enroll in two-factor authentication.

You should also consider verifying an additional phone number you can access, such as a home phone, or a number used by a family member or close friend. You can use this number if you temporarily can't access your primary number or your own devices.


要让您的手机 phone 接收两步验证码,请前往 Manage your Apple ID 网站,使用 Apple ID 登录,前往安全部分,点击编辑并添加受信任的 phone个数.
