我的 Tetration(复数)函数必须更好地矢量化(Python)
My Tetration (complex-number) function has to be better vectorized (Python)
Inspired by 3blue1brown I'm trying to graph the escape (divergence) of the Tetration function with Python –– something akin to this beautiful graphic on Wikipedia.
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value, aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
ln_base = cmath.log(base)
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = cmath.exp(ln_base*t) # [ base^t == e^(ln(base)*t) ]
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
我试图让它与网格一起工作,以便绘制 x-y 平面上的逃逸图。 Python 不喜欢输出是 2 个解压缩变量(限制或转义)——我绝对可以通过拆分成两个函数来解决这个问题。
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
tetration_vec = np.vectorize(tetration_com)
t, escape = tetration_vec(xv + yv*1j, max_step=500)
但它永远 运行。
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6, max_val=10**2):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value
# aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step or abs(t) > max_val):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = pow(base, t)
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
def tetra_graph_escape(real, imag, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**3, max_val=10**2):
return np.array([np.array([tetration_com(r + im*1j, tol=tol, max_step=max_step, max_val=max_val)[1]
for im in imag]) for r in real])
# graph our escape:
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
val, escape = tetra_graph_conv(x, y), tetra_graph_escape(x, y)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for r in range(len(escape)):
for c in range(len(escape[0])):
if escape[r][c] is None:
escape[r][c] = -100
Inspired by 3blue1brown I'm trying to graph the escape (divergence) of the Tetration function with Python –– something akin to this beautiful graphic on Wikipedia.
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value, aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
ln_base = cmath.log(base)
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = cmath.exp(ln_base*t) # [ base^t == e^(ln(base)*t) ]
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
我试图让它与网格一起工作,以便绘制 x-y 平面上的逃逸图。 Python 不喜欢输出是 2 个解压缩变量(限制或转义)——我绝对可以通过拆分成两个函数来解决这个问题。
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
tetration_vec = np.vectorize(tetration_com)
t, escape = tetration_vec(xv + yv*1j, max_step=500)
但它永远 运行。
def tetration_com(base, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**6, max_val=10**2):
# returns t, the infinite tetration of base.
# if t does not converge, the function returns an escape value
# aka how fast it diverges..
t = 1.0
step = 0
escape = None
t_last = 0
while(abs(t - t_last) > tol):
if(step > max_step or abs(t) > max_val):
raise OverflowError
t_last = t
t = pow(base, t)
step += 1
t = None
escape = 1000/step
# the escape value is is inversely related to the number of steps it took
# us to diverge to infinity
return t, escape
def tetra_graph_escape(real, imag, tol=10**-15, max_step=10**3, max_val=10**2):
return np.array([np.array([tetration_com(r + im*1j, tol=tol, max_step=max_step, max_val=max_val)[1]
for im in imag]) for r in real])
# graph our escape:
nx, ny = 700, 500
x, y = np.linspace(-3.5, 3.5, nx), np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, ny)
val, escape = tetra_graph_conv(x, y), tetra_graph_escape(x, y)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for r in range(len(escape)):
for c in range(len(escape[0])):
if escape[r][c] is None:
escape[r][c] = -100