如何使用在 angular 9 中包含数据数组的数据创建表单组?

How to create formgroup with a data that has an array of data in angular 9?

如何使用具有数据数组的数据创建表单组。 还有如何保存绑定到该数据?


     id: 0,
     tenantId: 0, 
     qty: 0,
     dateInvoiced: '',  
     status: '', 
        service1: false,
        service2: false,
        service3: false, 
        otherServices: '',


        var group: FormGroup = new FormGroup({
          id: new FormControl(''),
          tenantId: new FormControl(''),
          qty: new FormControl(''),
          dateInvoiced: new FormControl(''),
          status: new FormControl(''),
          services: new FormControl(''), //how to do services array here?
        this.dynamicFormGroup = group


  <mat-slide-toggle formControlName="services.service1">Service 1</mat-slide-toggle>
  <mat-slide-toggle formControlName="services.service2">Service 2</mat-slide-toggle>
  <mat-slide-toggle formControlName="services.service3">Service 3</mat-slide-toggle>

你没有数组,你需要创建一个 FormGroup,

  var group: FormGroup = new FormGroup({
      services: new FormGroup({
         service1:new FormControl(),
         service2:new FormControl(),
         service3:new FormControl(),
         otherServices:new FormControl()

并使用nested from groups

如果你想创建一个 formArray 使用

      services: new FormArray([
         new FormControl(),
         new FormControl(),
         new FormControl(),
         new FormControl()

在嵌套的 FromGroup 中只需使用

<form [formGroup]="dynamicFormGroup">
  <input formControlName="id">
  <div formGroupName="services">
    <input formControlName='service1'>

在 FormArray 中,我们需要考虑它是 FormControls 的 FormArray

<form [formGroup]="dynamicFormGroup">
  <input formControlName="id">
  <div formArrayName=="services">
   <div *ngFor="let control of dynamicFormGroup.get('services').controls;let i=index">
    <input [formControlName]="i">