MomentJS 和天差

MomentJS and days difference

我的时区是 GMT+2。
当当地时间 '2020-05-21 01:00'
在 UTC 时区 (GMT+0)

中应该表示“2020-05-20 23:00”


编辑:简单地说:星期六凌晨 1 点在我这里是星期五晚上 11 点(协调世界时)。所以应该有 1 天的差异。这是实时代码示例

在内部,它们是同一日期。为了证明这一点,尝试比较它们的时间戳 now.format('X') === utc.format('X').

作为解决方案,我建议使用 moment durations 来测量时间差,并使用 .days() 来获得所需的值。

This could be of help.


 import moment from "moment-timezone";

//test for GMT+1
var now = moment().startOf("day").add(1, "hours");
console.log(now.format(), " now", now.format('dddd'));

let res= GetDayOffsetUTC(now);
console.log("Day diff: ", res);

// Get DAY difference between local and UTC time
// Responses:
// -1 : your local time is 1 day ahead of UTC
//  1 : your local time is 1 day after UTC
//  0 : your local time is same day as UTC

   function GetDayOffsetUTC(date) {
      const utcOffset = date.utcOffset();

      const utc = date.clone().add(-utcOffset, "minutes");

      const dayDiff = utc.startOf("day").diff(date.startOf("day"), "days");
      return dayDiff;