我无法显示 KML

I can't display the KML

我在 openlayers 中迈出第一步,我觉得它很有趣,但是基于一个简单的例子来展示 OSM,我不可能添加一个带有 KML 文件的图层并将其一起显示。



import 'ol/ol.css';
import { Map, View } from 'ol';
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM';
import KML from 'ol/format/KML';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';

var openstreet = new TileLayer({
    source: new OSM()

var geomapa = new VectorLayer({
    source: new VectorSource({
        url: 'maps/kml/doc.kml',
        format: new KML()

const map = new Map({
    target: 'map',
    layers: [openstreet, geomapa],
    view: new View({
        center: [0, 0],
        zoom: 0

https://jsfiddle.net/geocodezip/yvekp0ud/1/ 中测试我发现了奇怪的问题。

我正在使用两个 URL 测试相同的 nodejs 代码:

https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/data/kml/2012-02-10.kml  **works with nodejs**

https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/doc.kml **dosen't works with nodejs**

所以,我发现有必要配置一个apache web服务器,包括下面的AddType

Apache Web Server Configuration

所以,同样的 nodejs 代码,结果是:

1) 如果两个 kml 文件都在我的网络服务器 apache 上,则不起作用(2012-02-10.kml 和 doc.kml)

2) 如果仅使用文件 2012-02-10.kml 进行测试但在服务器 openlayers.org

另一方面,如果我使用以下 url **http://kmlviewer.nsspot.net/** 来测试我的网络服务器上的两个文件,使用 google 地图,一切正常。

我猜 openlayers 或我的代码中有一些错误,或者可能是用 google earth 生成的 kml 文件不喜欢 openlayers。


import 'ol/ol.css';
import { Map, View } from 'ol';
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM';
import KML from 'ol/format/KML';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';

var openstreet = new TileLayer({
    source: new OSM()

var geomapa = new VectorLayer({
    source: new VectorSource({
        //url: 'https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/doc.kml',
        //url: 'https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/2012-02-10.kml',
        url: 'https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/data/kml/2012-02-10.kml',
        format: new KML()

const map = new Map({
    target: 'map',
    layers: [openstreet, geomapa],
    view: new View({
        center: [0, 0],
        zoom: 0


  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Using Parcel with OpenLayers</title>
         #map {
         width: 400px;
         height: 250px;
      <div id="map"></div>
      <script src="./index.js"></script>


    Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/2012-02-10.kml' 
from origin 'http://localhost:1234' has been blocked by CORS policy: 
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED [https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/2012-02-10.kml]

所以在 express 服务器工作..


尽管正如官方文档所指出的那样,我是使用 parcel 在 openlayers 中迈出第一步,但我必须声明:

1) 如果将kml文件发布到外部服务器,web服务器必须配置为告诉客户端该资源是一个KML文件,因此,这些指令必须添加到服务器:

2) 以为是openlayers + parcel有bug,所以运行进入报错

    Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/2012-02-10.kml' 
    from origin 'http://localhost:1234' has been blocked by CORS policy: 
    No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED [https://geo.anantara.cl/maps/kml/2012-02-10.kml]

什么意思?有必要在我的 Apache 服务器上添加以下代码

 Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""

现在有效了..,我建议 parcel 记录将 kml 文件发布到外部服务器以及如何启用 CORS 设置。