Azure 启用内容信任会影响注册表中的现有图像吗?

Azure enabling content trust will impact exisitng images in registry?

我们计划在 Azure 内容注册表中启用内容信任,以便我们可以将已签名的图像推送到 repo 以供消费者使用。但我几乎没有怀疑?

  1. 启用内容信任后,用户还能拉取现有图像吗?
  2. 启用内容信任后,是否可以将已签名和未签名的图像推送到注册表?



如果您在 Azure 容器注册表中启用内容信任,则存储库可能同时包含已签名和未签名的图像。


Content trust works with the tags in a repository. Image repositories can contain images with both signed and unsigned tags. For example, you might sign only the myimage:stable and myimage:latest images, but not myimage:dev.

重要的一点是,只有具有 AcrImageSigner 角色的用户才能将签名映像推送到注册表。

Only the users or systems you've granted permission can push trusted images to your registry. To grant trusted image push permission to a user (or a system using a service principal), grant their Azure Active Directory identities the AcrImageSigner role. This is in addition to the AcrPush (or equivalent) role required for pushing images to the registry.

并且为了能够拉取不受信任的图像,如果客户端在Docker上激活了内容信任,他只能拉取受信任的图像。但是,如果他仍然想要不受信任的图像,我们可以将 --disable-content-trust 添加到 pull 命令。