WPF .NET Core 3.1 发布自包含单个 exe 缺少 DLL

WPF .NET Core 3.1 published self contained single exe missing DLL

有一个 WPF .NET Core 3.1 应用程序,它在计算机上运行了一段时间,然后就停止打开了。查看事件查看器看到此错误:

Description: A .NET Core application failed. Application: MyApp.exe Path: C:\Folder\MayApp.exe Message: The application to execute does not exist: 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp.net\MyApp[=10=]2t0akn.2dd\MyApp.dll'.


应用程序已发布,.netcoreapp3.1,自包含,win-86,生成单个文件并准备好 运行

NET Core "single file" 机制很像旧的自解压 ZIP 可执行文件;它使分发变得更容易,但它仍然需要将所有依赖文件转储到某个地方才能 运行,并且看起来特定的临时文件夹可能会给您带来问题。

过程在Microsoft's documentation中描述:

Extraction Location

For a single-file app, the extraction directory is <base>/<app>/<bundle-id>

  • <base> is

    • DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR environment variable, if set.
    • If not, defaults to:
      • Windows: %TEMP%\.net
  • <app> is the name of the single-exe binary

  • <bundle-id> is a unique Bundle-identifier.
