如何比较前几行的日期并更新 SQL 服务器中的条目

How to compare dates from previous rows and update entries in SQL Server


这是 table 中存储的日期示例 我愿意更新:

ContractId  PartnerId   DocumentState   DealsDate   ActualCloseDate
119577922   1450216     38              2016-04-21  2017-08-01
222138372   1450216     38              2017-11-22  2019-04-01
223328932   1450216     38              2018-07-30  2018-11-19
224263667   1450216     38              2019-01-15  2019-04-19
225286013   1450216     38              2019-06-21  2019-07-19
225704493   1450216     38              2019-08-30  2019-12-11

目标是将所有 ContractIdDocumentState 更改为 36,因为它之前的任何条目的 ActualCloseDate 大于其 DealsDate.


ContractId  PartnerId   DocumentState   DealsDate   ActualCloseDate
119577922   1450216     38              2016-04-21  2017-08-01
222138372   1450216     38              2017-11-22  2019-04-01
223328932   1450216     36              2018-07-30  2018-11-19
224263667   1450216     36              2019-01-15  2019-04-19
225286013   1450216     38              2019-06-21  2019-07-19
225704493   1450216     38              2019-08-30  2019-12-11

下面是将数据插入临时文件的代码 table。

create table #Test 
     ContractId int, 
     PartnerId int, 
     DocumentState int, 
     DeasDate datetime, 
     ActualCloseDate datetime

insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (119577922, 1450216, 38, '2016-04-21', 2017-08-01')
insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (222138372, 1450216, 38, '2017-11-22', 2019-04-01')
insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (223328932, 1450216, 38, '2018-07-30', 2018-11-19')
insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (224263667, 1450216, 38, '2019-01-15', 2019-04-19')
insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (225286013, 1450216, 38, '2019-06-21', 2019-07-19')
insert into #Test (ContractId, PartnerId, DocumentState, DealsDate, ActualCloseDate) values (225704493, 1450216, 38, '2019-08-30', 2019-12-11')



我认为可更新的 CTE 可以满足您的需求:

with toupdate as (
      select t.*,
             max(ActualCloseDate) over (partition by PartnerId
                                        order by dealsDate
                                        rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
                                       ) as prev_max_acd
      from #test t
update toupdate
     set documentstate = 36
     where prev_max_acd > dealsdate;

Here 是一个 db<>fiddle


update Test set DocumentState = 36
where exists (
    select * from Test inrTest
    where inrTest.ContractId < Test.ContractId
    and inrTest.ActualCloseDate > Test.DealsDate
