生成创建 class 的应用方法

Generate apply methods creating a class

斯卡拉 2.13


trait SomeTrait[F[_]]{
    def someOp(): F[Unit]


class SomeTraitImpl[F[_]: Sync] extends SomeTrait[F]{

object SomeTrait{
    def apply[F[_]: Sync](): SomeTrait[F] = new SomeTraitImpl[F]()

问题是这种带有单一应用方法的伴侣看起来很丑陋,而且它是一个样板。有没有办法自动生成 object ? simulacrum 或其他任何东西(手写的宏注释?)都可以做到吗?

您可以使用macro annotation

import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox

@compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise")
class implApply extends StaticAnnotation {
  def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ImplApplyMacro.macroTransformImpl

object ImplApplyMacro {
  def macroTransformImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = {
    import c.universe._

    def applyMethod(tparams: Seq[Tree], tpname: TypeName): Tree = {
      def tparamNames = tparams.map {
        case q"$_ type $tpname[..$_] = $_" => tq"$tpname"
      q"""def apply[..$tparams]()(implicit sync: Sync[${tparamNames.head}]): $tpname[..$tparamNames] =
            new ${TypeName(tpname + "Impl")}[..$tparamNames]()"""

    annottees match {
      case (trt@q"$_ trait $tpname[..$tparams] extends { ..$_ } with ..$_ { $_ => ..$_ }") ::
        q"$mods object $tname extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$body }" :: Nil =>
          $mods object $tname extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self =>
            ${applyMethod(tparams, tpname)}

      case (trt@q"$_ trait $tpname[..$tparams] extends { ..$_ } with ..$_ { $_ => ..$_ }") :: Nil =>
          object ${tpname.toTermName} {
            ${applyMethod(tparams, tpname)}


trait SomeTrait[F[_]]{
  def someOp(): F[Unit]

class SomeTraitImpl[F[_]: Sync] extends SomeTrait[F]{
  override def someOp(): F[Unit] = ???

//Warning:scalac: {
//  object SomeTrait extends scala.AnyRef {
//    def <init>() = {
//      super.<init>();
//      ()
//    };
//    def apply[F[_]]()(implicit sync: Sync[F]): SomeTrait[F] = new SomeTraitImpl[F]()
//  };
//  ()