FormData 的不明确行为:将文件数组发送到 API

Unclear Behaviour of FormData: Sending an Array of Files to API


根据 FormData.append MDN docs:

As with regular form data, you can append multiple values with the same name. ... This technique makes it simpler to process multi-file uploads because the resultant data structure is more conducive to looping.


data.append('file', document);
// document is a document picker object
// {"size":...,"name":"...","uri":"...","type":"..."}

发送请求时,我收到 500 响应并出现以下错误:

Cannot use object of type Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile as array

用简单的英语来说,端点需要一个数组,但它得到了一个 UploadedFile。 FormData 不是应该发送数组吗?

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从错误信息来看,你的服务器端技术好像是PHP。如果是这样,你可以告诉 PHP file 是一个数组 by adding [] after it,例如:

data.append('file[]', document);
// −−−−−−−−−−−−−−^^