AKEqualizerFilter 的带宽参数如何影响 Q 因子?

How does the bandwidth parameter of the AKEqualizerFilter affect the Q-factor?

我正在使用 AudioKit 的 AKEqualizerFilter 向我的应用程序添加一些均衡器,我只是想确保我了解带宽参数如何影响 Q 因子。据我了解,将中心频率除以带宽将得到 Q 因子。所以如果中心频率是50,带宽是50,Q-factor就是1,如果带宽是25,那么Q-factor就是2。我这样理解对吗?

这是个好问题!我认为最好在此处检查实现 (https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/blob/master/AudioKit/Common/Nodes/Effects/Filters/Equalizer%20Filter/AKEqualizerFilter.swift)

/// A 2nd order tunable equalization filter that provides a peak/notch filter
/// for building parametric/graphic equalizers. With gain above 1, there will be
/// a peak at the center frequency with a width dependent on bandwidth. If gain
/// is less than 1, a notch is formed around the center frequency.