
How to check the concrete type of associatedtype of a protocol inside generic class?

例如我有一个协议和一些 类 符合它:

protocol SomeProtocol {
    associatedtype SomeType: Encodable

class SomeInner: SomeProtocol {
    typealias SomeType = String

class SomeInner2: SomeProtocol {
    typealias SomeType = URL

class AnotherClass<Inner: SomeProtocol> {
    func someFunc() {
        if Inner.SomeType.self is String { // << warning
            print("it's a String")
        if Inner.SomeType.self is URL { // << warning
            print("it's an URL")

let test1 = AnotherClass<SomeInner>()

let test2 = AnotherClass<SomeInner2>()


从 'Inner.SomeType.Type'(又名 'String.Type')转换为无关类型 'String' 总是失败

从 'Inner.SomeType.Type' 转换为无关类型 'URL' 总是失败

if 永远不会成功。

只需按照警告建议将 String 更改为 String.Type

func someFunc() {
        if Inner.SomeType.self is String.Type { // << warning
            print("it's a String")
        if Inner.SomeType.self is URL.Type { // << warning
            print("it's an URL")


it's a String
it's an URL