如何为 FiveM LUA 在屏幕上绘制图像(比如某种标志)
How to draw an image on screen (Like a logo of some sort) for FiveM LUA
LUA 是否可以在屏幕上绘制图像?
如是;哪个 Native 用于此?
Lua 本身没有这样做的功能,但 FiveM 有。 (这样做的结果是其他使用Lua的游戏将有自己的绘制功能,而不会有这个)。在这种情况下,您需要 the DrawSprite
-- 0xE7FFAE5EBF23D890 0x1FEC16B0
textureDict --[[ string ]],
textureName --[[ string ]],
screenX --[[ number ]],
screenY --[[ number ]],
width --[[ number ]],
height --[[ number ]],
heading --[[ number ]],
red --[[ integer ]],
green --[[ integer ]],
blue --[[ integer ]],
alpha --[[ integer ]]
Draws a 2D sprite on the screen. Parameters:
- textureDict - Name of texture dictionary to load texture from (e.g. "CommonMenu", "MPWeaponsCommon", etc.)
- textureName - Name of texture to load from texture dictionary (e.g. "last_team_standing_icon", "tennis_icon", etc.)
- screenX/Y - Screen offset (0.5 = center)
- scaleX/Y - Texture scaling. Negative values can be used to flip the texture on that axis. (0.5 = half)
- heading - Texture rotation in degrees (default = 0.0) positive is clockwise, measured in degrees
- red,green,blue - Sprite color (default = 255/255/255)
- alpha - opacity level
NativeDB Added Parameter 12: BOOL p11
只是一个简单的问题,我相信答案并不那么简单; LUA 是否可以在屏幕上绘制图像? 如是;哪个 Native 用于此? 如果不;使用另一种语言的简单方法是什么?
Lua 本身没有这样做的功能,但 FiveM 有。 (这样做的结果是其他使用Lua的游戏将有自己的绘制功能,而不会有这个)。在这种情况下,您需要 the DrawSprite
-- 0xE7FFAE5EBF23D890 0x1FEC16B0 -- DRAW_SPRITE DrawSprite( textureDict --[[ string ]], textureName --[[ string ]], screenX --[[ number ]], screenY --[[ number ]], width --[[ number ]], height --[[ number ]], heading --[[ number ]], red --[[ integer ]], green --[[ integer ]], blue --[[ integer ]], alpha --[[ integer ]] )
Draws a 2D sprite on the screen. Parameters:
- textureDict - Name of texture dictionary to load texture from (e.g. "CommonMenu", "MPWeaponsCommon", etc.)
- textureName - Name of texture to load from texture dictionary (e.g. "last_team_standing_icon", "tennis_icon", etc.)
- screenX/Y - Screen offset (0.5 = center)
- scaleX/Y - Texture scaling. Negative values can be used to flip the texture on that axis. (0.5 = half)
- heading - Texture rotation in degrees (default = 0.0) positive is clockwise, measured in degrees
- red,green,blue - Sprite color (default = 255/255/255)
- alpha - opacity level
NativeDB Added Parameter 12: BOOL p11