在 go 中解组配置文件

Unmarshalling config files in go

我正在尝试使用 viper

读取 json 文件中的配置
        "currency": {
            "btc": [{
                "api_endpoint": "api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main/addrs/$address/balance",
                "balance_threshold": 234234.34,
                "wallet_address": "0xsdrsdf",
                    "slack": "put slack config here",
                    "sms": "put sms config here"
                "enable_monitoring": true
            "eth": [{
                "api_endpoint": "some endpoint",
                "balance_threshold" : 2234234.234,
                "wallet_address": "0xsdrsdf",
                    "slack": "put slack config here",
                    "sms": "put sms config here"
                "enable_monitoring": true


   func GetConfig() {
        viper.SetConfigName("config") // name of config file (without extension)
        viper.SetConfigType("json")   // REQUIRED if the config file does not have the extension in the name
        viper.AddConfigPath(".")      // path to look for the config file in
        viper.AddConfigPath("$HOME/") // path to look for the config file in
        err := viper.ReadInConfig()   // Find and read the config file
        if err != nil {               // Handle errors reading the config file
            panic(fmt.Errorf("Fatal error config file: %s", err))
        var config config
        fmt.Printf("Config: %v\n", config["currency"])

    type coreconfig struct {
        APIEndpoint      string  `json:"api_endpoint"`
        BalanceThreshold float64 `json:"balance_threshold"`
        WalletAddress    string  `json:"wallet_address"`
        EnableMonitoring bool    `json:"enable_monitoring"`
        Alerts           map[string]alerts

    type alerts struct {
        Sms   string `json:"sms"`
        Slack string `json:"slack"`

    type currencyconfig map[string][]coreconfig

    type config map[string]currencyconfig


[map[btc:[map[alerts:[map[slack:put slack config here sms:put sms config here]] api_endpoint:api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/main/addrs/$address/balance balance_threshold:234234 enable_monitoring:true wallet_address:0xsdrsdf]] eth:[map[alerts:[map[slack:put slack config here sms:put sms config here]] api_endpoint:some endpoint balance_threshold:2.234234e+06 enable_monitoring:true wallet_address:0xsdrsdf]]]] <= This shows that config file is read correctly

Config: map[] <= actual output

仅在 coreconfig 结构中使用 map[string]stringalerts 作为您的 json 结构。

json 标签被 json 包使用,而不是 viper。 Viper 使用 github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure 包进行解组,因此使用 mapstructure 标签。

type coreconfig struct {
    APIEndpoint      string  `mapstructure:"api_endpoint"`
    BalanceThreshold float64 `mapstructure:"balance_threshold"`
    WalletAddress    string  `mapstructure:"wallet_address"`
    EnableMonitoring bool    `mapstructure:"enable_monitoring"`
    Alerts           alerts