在创建新的 AD 林和域期间重新启动后,具有 DSC 扩展的 ARM 模板失败并出现安全错误

ARM template with DSC extension fails with security error after reboot during create new AD forest and domain

几个月来,我一直可靠地使用创建主域控制器和备用域控制器的 ARM 模板(基于快速入门模板中的 'active-directory-new-domain-ha-2-dc')。周五它停止工作,没有进行任何修改。

问题出在主 DC 上。 xADDomain DSC 资源触发重新启动,如第一个 DSC 日志的摘录所示:

VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:22:17Z] [VERBOSE] [tipaADPDC]: LCM:  [ End    Resource 
]  [[xADDomain]FirstDS]
VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:22:17Z] [VERBOSE] [tipaADPDC]:                         
   [] A reboot is required to progress further. Please reboot the system. 
Configuration will not be continued after the reboot. To continue 
configuration, use Start-DscConfiguration -UseExisting after reboot.
VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:22:17Z] [WARNING] [tipaADPDC]:                         
   [] A reboot is required to progress further. Please reboot the system. 
Configuration will not be continued after the reboot. To continue 
configuration, use Start-DscConfiguration -UseExisting after reboot.

重新启动后,可以在第二个 DSC 日志中看到以下安全错误:

VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:23:28Z] Will continue the existing configuration. 
Executing Start-DscConfiguration with -UseExisting option ...
VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:23:28Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:23:29Z] [VERBOSE] Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' 
with following parameters, ''methodName' = ApplyConfiguration,'className' = 
MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = 
VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:23:29Z] [ERROR] WinRM cannot process the request. The 
following error with errorcode 0x80090350 occurred while using Negotiate 
authentication: An unknown security error occurred.

由于没有对 ARM 模板或 DSC 资源进行任何更改,我认为这是由于部署选择了最新版本的东西。


  1. 使用 DSC 2.76 而不是 2.80
  2. 使用 WMF 5.0 而不是 5.1
  3. 使用 Windows Server 2019-Datacenter 而不是 2016(看起来 自 20190603 以来,2016 年的图像没有更新。

我还研究了如何防止 DSC 在重新启动后重新启动(没有更多资源要处理)。但是,我认为由于第一个 DSC 日志中的以下条目,这些设置已经完成:

VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:18:42Z] WMF 5 or newer, Injecting RebootNodeIfNeeded = 
False and ActionAfterReboot = "StopConfiguration"

VERBOSE: [2020-05-22 15:18:47Z] Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager: 
ActionAfterReboot              : StopConfiguration
RebootNodeIfNeeded             : False

我卡住了。有人有什么想法吗? 谢谢

最近遇到了类似的问题。有点不同的是,我使用的不是 xADDomain,而是 ActiveDirectoryDsc。 当我将 OS 升级到 Windows Server 2019-Datacenter 时错误消失了。

潜在的根本原因可能是 2016 年到 2019 年间的 Powershell 版本。这是我的日志。

  1. Windows 服务器 2016
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:34Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:34Z] Retrieving system information ...
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:40Z]     OS Version : 10.0
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:40Z]     Server OS  : True
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:40Z]     64-bit OS  : True
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:40Z]     PS Version : 5.1.14393.3471
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:47:40Z] Validating user provided settings for the DSC 
Extension Handler ...


VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:05Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:05Z] Will continue the existing configuration. 
Executing Start-DscConfiguration with -UseExisting option ...
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:05Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:07Z] [VERBOSE] Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' 
with following parameters, ''methodName' = ApplyConfiguration,'className' = 
MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:07Z] [ERROR] WinRM cannot process the request. The 
following error with errorcode 0x80090350 occurred while using Negotiate 
authentication: An unknown security error occurred.  

 Possible causes are:

  -The user name or password specified are invalid.

  -Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are 

  -Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.

  -The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does 
not exist.

  -The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no 
trust between the two domains.

 After checking for the above issues, try the following:

  -Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication.

  -Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM 
TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport.

 Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated.

   -For more information about WinRM configuration, run the following command: 
winrm help config.
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:07Z] [VERBOSE] Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 03:53:07Z] [VERBOSE] Time taken for configuration job to 
complete is 0.039 seconds
  1. Windows 服务器 2019
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:17Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:18Z] Retrieving system information ...
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:22Z]     OS Version : 10.0
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:22Z]     Server OS  : True
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:22Z]     64-bit OS  : True
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:22Z]     PS Version : 5.1.17763.1007
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:33:22Z] Validating user provided settings for the DSC Extension Handler ...


VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:38:49Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:38:49Z] Will continue the existing configuration. Executing Start-DscConfiguration with 
-UseExisting option ...
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:38:50Z] Settings handler status to 'transitioning' 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:38:51Z] [VERBOSE] Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with following parameters, ''methodName'
 = ApplyConfiguration,'className' = MSFT_DSCLocalConfigurationManager,'namespaceName' = 
VERBOSE: [2020-06-01 08:38:51Z] [VERBOSE] An LCM method call arrived from computer adPDC with user sid S-1-5-18.

我们遇到了同样的问题。我们意识到这个问题只发生在某些特定类型的虚拟机上 win_2016Datacenter.

  • 使用 vm 类型重现此问题 "Standard_F4s_v2"
  • 但其他虚拟机不会出现这种情况,例如“Standard_DS2_v2”
