如何将随机边添加到空图,直到它在 python 中连接起来?

how to add random edges to an empty graph untill it becomes connected in python?

我是编程新手,我正在尝试解决一个问题 "find the average number of edges that an empty undirected graph needs to become connected"...它还要求 "keep track of isolated components along the way"...


from random import random, choice

import networkx as nx

G = nx.Graph()
i = int(input("enter the number of desired nodes : "))
for node in range(0, i):
    G.add_node(i)  # creates a graph with desired number of nodes
    i = i - 1

输出类似于 10 9 ... 1 然后我尝试 select 两个随机节点并用这样的边连接它们:

first_node = choice(G.nodes())
second_node = choice(G.nodes())
print(first_node, second_node) # print which nodes are selected



例如,下面的代码生成一个有 N 个顶点的图,并迭代地添加随机边(不重复)。当生成的图被连接并且 returns 连接所需的边数时,该过程停止。

 from itertools import combinations
 from random import choice
 def simulate(n): 
     G = nx.Graph() 
     E = list(combinations(range(n), 2)) 

     while True: 
         e = choice(E) 
         G.add_edge(e[0], e[1]) 
         if nx.is_connected(G): 
             return G.size() 

从这里我们可以看出,平均而言,我们需要向具有 20 个顶点的图添加 32 条(随机)边,才能使其连通。

In [24]: L = [simulate(20) for _ in range(1000)]                                

In [25]: sum(L)/len(L)                                                          
Out[25]: 32.739