Angular: 配置默认QueryParamsHandling

Angular: configure default QueryParamsHandling

我构建了一个 angular 9 应用程序,并使用 @ngx-translate 添加了本地化。我已经配置了我的应用程序,以便它采用 lang 查询参数并相应地更改语言环境。

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private translateService: TranslateService) {
    this.route.queryParamMap.subscribe((params) => {
      let lang = params.get('lang');
      console.log('language', lang);
      if (lang !== null) {

然后我在边栏上添加了 3 个按钮来更改查询参数(并切换语言)

<div class="p-1 text-center">
  <a [routerLink]='[]' [queryParams]="{}">
    <app-flag [country]="'en'" [appHoverClass]="'brightness-250'"></app-flag>
  <a [routerLink]='[]' [queryParams]="{'lang':'nl'}">
    <app-flag [country]="'nl'" [appHoverClass]="'brightness-250'"></app-flag>
  <a [routerLink]='[]' [queryParams]="{'lang':'fr'}">
    <app-flag [country]="'fr'" [appHoverClass]="'brightness-250'"></app-flag>

这工作正常。但是当按下普通的 routerLink 时,或者在 router.navigate() 调用时,查询参数再次丢失。

我不想用 [queryParamsHandling]="'preserve'" 指令装饰我的应用程序中的每个 routerLink,因为这是一项乏味的工作和可怕的做法。这个主题已经有一个 GitHub 问题,但是 angular 团队几乎没有处理它(已经 4 年了):

有没有办法(任何方式)在导航时默认保留查询参数(或只是 lang 查询参数)?

我已经在默认 angular 路由器上创建了一个 ExtendedRouter

import { Router, QueryParamsHandling, NavigationExtras, UrlTree } from '@angular/router';

export class ExtendedRouter {
  constructor(private router: Router) {

  private _defaultQueryParamsHandling: QueryParamsHandling = null;
  public get defaultQueryParamsHandling() {
    return this._defaultQueryParamsHandling;
  public set defaultQueryParamsHandling(value: QueryParamsHandling) {
    this._defaultQueryParamsHandling = value;

  public navigate(commands: any[], extras?: NavigationExtras) {
    return this.router.navigate(commands, {
      queryParamsHandling: extras.queryParamsHandling ?? this.defaultQueryParamsHandling ?? '',
      fragment: extras.fragment,
      preserveFragment: extras.preserveFragment,
      queryParams: extras.queryParams,
      relativeTo: extras.relativeTo,
      replaceUrl: extras.replaceUrl,
      skipLocationChange: extras.skipLocationChange

  public navigateByUrl(url: string | UrlTree, extras?: NavigationExtras) {
    return this.router.navigateByUrl(url, {
      queryParamsHandling: extras.queryParamsHandling ?? this.defaultQueryParamsHandling ?? '',
      fragment: extras.fragment,
      preserveFragment: extras.preserveFragment,
      queryParams: extras.queryParams,
      relativeTo: extras.relativeTo,
      replaceUrl: extras.replaceUrl,
      skipLocationChange: extras.skipLocationChange

  public createUrlTree(commands: any[], extras?: NavigationExtras) {
    return this.router.createUrlTree(commands, extras);

  public serializeUrl(url: UrlTree) {
    return this.router.serializeUrl(url);

但这不涉及 [routerLink] 指令。我也试过创建一个,但我需要的所有字段都在 private.

import { Directive, Renderer2, ElementRef, Attribute, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterLink, Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
import { ExtendedRouter } from '../../helpers/extended-router';

  selector: '[extendedRouterLink]'
export class ExtendedRouterLinkDirective extends RouterLink {

  private router2: Router;
  private route2: ActivatedRoute;
  private commands2: any[] = [];
  constructor(router: Router, route: ActivatedRoute, @Attribute('tabindex') tabIndex: string, renderer: Renderer2, el: ElementRef<any>, private extendedRouter: ExtendedRouter) {
    super(router, route, tabIndex, renderer, el);
    this.router2 = router;
    this.route2 = route;

  set extendedRouterLink(commands: any[] | string | null | undefined) {
    if (commands != null) {
      this.commands2 = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
    } else {
      this.commands2 = [];
    super.commands = commands;

  get urlTree() {
    return this.router2.createUrlTree(this.commands, {
      relativeTo: this.route2,
      queryParams: this.queryParams,
      fragment: this.fragment,
      queryParamsHandling: this.queryParamsHandling,
      preserveFragment: this.attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),

  private attrBoolValue = (s: any) => {
    return s === '' || !!s;


有人知道如何解决这个问题而不必在每个 [routerLink] 上定义 [queryParamsHandling] 吗?

您可以将 router.navigate() 包装到一个实用程序 class 中,其方法将 router 本身以及您希望它执行的操作作为参数(可能使用可选的 parameters/default 值,或传递给它一个对象)并在默认情况下每次添加 queryParamsHandling.


  selector: 'a[routerLink]'
export class QueryParamsHandlingDirective extends RouterLinkWithHref {
  queryParamsHandling: QueryParamsHandling = 'merge';

问题在于它扩展了 RouterLinkWithHref,这意味着 <a routerLink=""> 将附加 2 个指令(一个扩展另一个)。

this is what happensRouterLinkWithHrefclick 处理程序中:

onClick(): boolean {
  const extras = {
    skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
    replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
    state: this.state,
  this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
  return true;


 RouterLinkWithHref.prototype.onClick = function (button, ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey) {
  if (button !== 0 || ctrlKey || metaKey || shiftKey) {
      return true;
  if (typeof === 'string' && != '_self') {
      return true;
  var extras = {
      skipLocationChange: attrBoolValue(this.skipLocationChange),
      replaceUrl: attrBoolValue(this.replaceUrl),
      state: this.state
  this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
  return false;

这意味着当您单击 <a> 标记时,将调用 QueryParamsHandlingDirective.onClick,然后是 RouterLinkWithHref.onClick。但是由于最后调用 RouterLinkWithHref.onClick,它不会将 queryParamsHandling 设置为 merge


  selector: 'a[routerLink]'
export class QueryParamsHandlingDirective {
  constructor (routerLink: RouterLinkWithHref) {
    routerLink.queryParamsHandling = 'merge';


最后我需要一种更灵活的方法,我可以保留一个查询参数 (lang) 但删除另一个 (return-url)。所以最终我决定继续写我自己的 AdvancedRouteradvRouterLink.


import { InjectionToken } from "@angular/core";
import { QueryParamsConfig } from "../../interfaces/query-params-config";

export const QUERY_PARAMS_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<QueryParamsConfig>('QueryParamsConfig');


import { QueryParamsHandling } from "@angular/router";

export interface QueryParamsConfig {
    [key: string]: QueryParamsHandling;

AppModule 中配置此提供程序:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [{
    provide: QUERY_PARAMS_CONFIG, useValue: <QueryParamsConfig>{
      'lang': 'preserve',
      'return': ''
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpParams } from '@angular/common/http';
import { ActivatedRoute, NavigationBehaviorOptions, NavigationExtras, Params, Router, UrlCreationOptions, UrlTree } from '@angular/router';
import { QueryParamsConfig } from '../../interfaces/query-params-config';
import { QUERY_PARAMS_CONFIG } from '../../providers';
import { UrlWithQueryParams } from './url-with-query-params';

  providedIn: 'root'
export class AdvancedRouter {

  constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, @Inject(QUERY_PARAMS_CONFIG) private queryParamsConfig: QueryParamsConfig) {

  public navigate(commands: any[], extras?: NavigationExtras) {
    const newParams = this.computeQueryParameters(this.route.snapshot.queryParams, extras?.queryParams);
    return this.router.navigate(commands, { ...extras, queryParams: newParams });

  public navigateByUrl(url: string | UrlTree, extras?: NavigationBehaviorOptions) {
    // The requested url.
    let urlValue = url instanceof UrlTree
      ? this.router.serializeUrl(url)
      : url;

    // The requested query parameters.
    const requestedParams = this.extractQueryParametersFromUrl(urlValue);

    // Use the current queryparams and requested queryparams
    // to compute the new parameters according to the configuration.
    const newParams = this.computeQueryParameters(this.route.snapshot.queryParams, requestedParams.queryParams);
    const newParamKeys = Object.keys(newParams).filter(key => !['encoder', 'map'].includes(key));
    const newQueryString = => `${key}=${newParams[key]}`).join('&');

    const newUrl = newParamKeys.length === 0
      ? requestedParams.url
      : `${requestedParams.url}?${newQueryString}`;

    return this.router.navigateByUrl(newUrl, extras);
  public createUrlTree(commands: any[], extras?: UrlCreationOptions) {
    const newParams = this.computeQueryParameters(this.route.snapshot.queryParams, extras?.queryParams);
    return this.router.createUrlTree(commands, { ...extras, queryParams: newParams });

  public serializeUrl(url: UrlTree) {
    return this.router.serializeUrl(url);

  private extractQueryParametersFromUrl(url: string) : UrlWithQueryParams {
    if (url.includes('?')) {
      const parts = url.split('?');
      return {
        url: parts[0],
        queryParams: new HttpParams({ fromString: parts[1] })
    } else {
      return {
        url: url,
        queryParams: new HttpParams()

  private containsKey(params: Params, key: string) {
    return Object.keys(params).indexOf(key) > -1;

  private computeQueryParameters(currentParams: Params, requestedParams: Params | null | undefined) {
    // Allow a null object to be passed to this method.
    const newRequestedParams = requestedParams ?? { };

    // Merge the set of keys.
    const allParamKeys = Object.keys({

    return <Params>Object.assign({}, => {
        // Compute new value for each Query parameter.
        return {
          key: k,
          value: this.getQueryParameterValue(currentParams, newRequestedParams, k)
      // Remove query parameters to drop.
      .filter(p => p.value !== null)
      // ToDictionary
      .map(p => {
        return { [p.key] : p.value };

  private getQueryParameterValue(currentParams: Params, requestedParams: Params, key: string) {
    switch (this.queryParamsConfig[key]) {
      case 'preserve':
        // Take requested value if present, else take current.

        // Must use containsKey since one may want to explicitly pass a null value for a specific parameter,
        // in order to drop the query parameter specified.
        return Object.keys(requestedParams).indexOf(key) === -1
          ? currentParams[key]
          : requestedParams[key];
      case 'merge':
        if (this.containsKey(currentParams, key)) {
          if (this.containsKey(requestedParams, key)) {
            // Query parameter present in both. Merge both values.
            return `${currentParams[key]},${requestedParams[key]}`;
          } else {
            // Query parameter only present in activated route.
            return currentParams[key];
        } else {
          if (this.containsKey(requestedParams, key)) {
            // Query parameter only present in requested list.
            return requestedParams[key];
          } else {
            // Never occurs
        // Default is drop query parameter.
        if (this.containsKey(requestedParams, key)) {
          // If still present in requested list, return this value.
          return requestedParams[key];
        } else {
          // Drop query parameter.
          return null;


import { Params } from "@angular/router";

export interface UrlWithQueryParams {
    url: string;
    queryParams: Params;


import { LocationStrategy } from '@angular/common';
import { Directive, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router, RouterLinkWithHref, UrlTree } from '@angular/router';
import { AdvancedRouter } from '../../services/advanced-router/advanced-router';

// See

@Directive({selector: 'a[advRouterLink],area[advRouterLink]'})
export class AdvancedRouterLinkDirective extends RouterLinkWithHref {

    private advancedRouter: AdvancedRouter,
    private nativeRoute: ActivatedRoute,
    nativeRouter: Router,
    nativeLocationStrategy: LocationStrategy
  ) {
    super(nativeRouter, nativeRoute, nativeLocationStrategy);

  private nativeCommands: any[] = [];

   set advRouterLink(commands: any[] | string | null | undefined) {
     if (commands != null) {
       this.nativeCommands = Array.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands];
     } else {
       this.nativeCommands = [];

  get urlTree(): UrlTree {
    return this.advancedRouter.createUrlTree(this.nativeCommands, {
      relativeTo: this.relativeTo !== undefined ? this.relativeTo : this.nativeRoute,
      queryParams: this.queryParams,
      fragment: this.fragment,
      queryParamsHandling: '', // Drop queryparams and let the AdvancedRouter do all the work
      preserveFragment: this.attrBoolValue(this.preserveFragment),
  private attrBoolValue(s: any) {
    return s === '' || !!s;