在 D 盘上安装 Anaconda 是否会在 D 盘上保存 conda envs?还是还存放在C盘?

Does installing Anaconda on D drive save conda envs on D drive? Or are they still stored in C drive?

我的 C:\Users\username\.conda\envs 目录中有很多 conda 环境。因此,我一直面临很多记忆问题。我正计划在我的 D 驱动器中完全重新安装 Anaconda。但我想确认这实际上会在我的 D 驱动器中创建 envs 而不是在我的 C 驱动器中。

此外,如果它确实在 D 中创建了 envs,那么会将环境文件夹从 C:\Users\username\.conda\envs 复制粘贴到新创建的 envs 中,成功恢复我的 conda envs ?

来自Anaconda docs: Moving Anaconda from one directory to another

Anaconda environment management requires known paths, and Anaconda must know the exact path where it is installed at installation time.

If you simply copy the Anaconda files to a new directory, Anaconda will not work.

To move Anaconda from one directory to another:

OPTIONAL: Save your environments using the conda managing environments instructions.

  1. Uninstall Anaconda.
  2. Go to the new directory and install it there following the Anaconda installation instructions.

OPTIONAL: Restore your environments using the conda managing environments instructions.