解析 JSON in Excel VBA 并按键访问数组

Parsing JSON in Excel VBA and access array by key

我正在尝试从网站 (Link) using Excel VBA. Here is the .json response from the server (Link) 抓取内容:

  "TopicDetails": {
    "type": 0,
    "ccm2Id": 31088568,
    "cftId": 0,
    "identifier": "FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020",
    "title": "FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking",
    "actions": [
        "status": {
          "id": 31094502,
          "abbreviation": "Open",
          "description": "Open"
        "types": [
          "RIA Research and Innovation action"
        "plannedOpeningDate": "07 November 2017",
        "submissionProcedure": {
          "id": 31094504,
          "abbreviation": "multiple cut-off",
          "description": "multiple cut-off"
        "deadlineDates": [
          "16 May 2018",
          "24 January 2019",
          "18 September 2019",
          "03 June 2020"

为此写了个宏,效果还不错。但是,我在访问块 "actions" 中存储的信息时遇到了困难(尤其是具有键 "types" 和最新截止日期的数据)。错误信息是 "Subscript out of range".


Private Sub getJson()

Dim http As Object
Dim JSON As Object
Dim response As String
Dim url As String
Dim id As String
Dim oTarget As Object

id = "FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020"
url = "https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/data/topicDetails/" & LCase(id) & ".json?lang=en"

Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "GET", url, False
response = http.responseText

Set JSON = JsonConverter.ParseJson(response)

'--- WORKS ---
Cells(5, 11).Value = JSON("TopicDetails")("title")

'--- DOESN'T WORK ---
'--- Test 1 ---
Cells(5, 17).Value = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")("types")
'--- Test 2 ---
Cells(5, 18).Value = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")(0)
'--- Test 3 ---
Cells(5, 19).Value = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")(0)("types")
'--- Test 4 ---
Set oTarget = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")
With oTarget
    Cells(5, 18).Value = .item(0).item(0)
End With

End Sub

在尝试处理 "actions" 数组的元素时,我发现以下代码提供 1 作为答案(这是有道理的):

Set oTarget = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")
Cells(5, 18).Value = oTarget.count

与此同时,在尝试接近数组的下一层时,以下代码提供了一个错误 ("Subscript out of range"),而不是有人预期的 5:

Set oTarget = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")(0)
Cells(5, 18).Value = oTarget.count

如何提取信息 "RIA Research and Innovation action"(有密钥 "types")和最新截止日期 2020 年 6 月 3 日(有密钥 "deadlineDates")?




根据 VBA-JSON 示例 https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON 数组索引从 1 开始。


Cells(5, 19).Value = JSON("TopicDetails")("actions")(1)("types")(1)