编写一个函数,它接受两个自然数和作为输入,returns 总和为的所有大小元组的集合

Write a function that takes two natural numbers and as inputs and returns the set of all tuples of size that sum to

在 python 3 中,我正在尝试编写一个函数,该函数接受两个自然数作为输入,并且 returns 总和为 .



def get_tuples(length, total):
    if length == 1:
        yield (total,)

    for i in range(total + 1):
        for t in get_tuples(length - 1, total - i):
            yield (i,) + t

其中,例如,list(get_tuples(2, 8)) returns 正确的结果,并且:

 def get_tuples(length, total):
    if length == 1:
        return [(total,)]

    comp = []
    for i in range(total + 1):
        for t in get_tuples(length - 1, total - i):
            comp.append((i,) + t)
        return comp

然而 returns 一个错误的结果(即单个元组)。 任何人都可以解释为什么以及如何修复第二个功能吗?


def get_tuples(length, total):
if length == 1:
    return [(total,)]

comp = []

for i in range(total + 1):
    for t in get_tuples(length - 1, total - i):
        comp.append((i,) + t)
return comp

将 return 语句从循环中取出。

只需将 return 缩进一个:

def get_tuples(length, total):
    if length == 1:
        return [(total,)]

    comp = []
    for i in range(total + 1):
        for t in get_tuples(length - 1, total - i):
            comp.append((i,) + t)
    return comp


owninggreendragsdude 的回答是正确的,因为它准确地显示了您需要在代码中更改以使其工作的一件事。


def get_tuples_optimized(length, total):
    comp = []

    # Stack of partial tuples to process, initialized with an empty tuple
    todo = [(total, tuple())]

    # Loop as long as we have partial tuples on our stack
    while todo:
        # Take the next partial tuple
        amount_left, partial_tuple = todo.pop()

        if len(partial_tuple) == length - 1:
            # Put all that is left as the last element
            comp.append(partial_tuple + (amount_left,))
            # Add all possible extensions-by-one to our stack
            for i in range(amount_left + 1):
                extended_tuple = partial_tuple + (i,)
                todo.append((amount_left - i, extended_tuple))

    return comp