使用 Zenpy 从 Zendesk 获取增量数据

getting incremental data from Zendesk using Zenpy

我有下面的代码,我从 zendesk 获取数据,问题是每当我 运行 这个脚本我花了最后 30 天 data.Can 有人让我知道我有什么变化做使其增量。 理想情况下,此脚本应该 运行 一天两次或三次(当前脚本在每次执行时都会获取过去 30 天的数据,这是不必要的)。

from zenpy import Zenpy
import time,datetime
import json
import psycopg2

# Connecting DB..
DSN = "dbname='postgres' user='postgres' host='localhost' password='postgres' port='5432'"
conn = psycopg2.connect(DSN)
cur = conn.cursor()
ins_cur = conn.cursor()

script = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ticket_events; CREATE TABLE ticket_events ( ID serial NOT NULL ' \
         'PRIMARY KEY, info json NOT NULL); '
print('Table dropped and recreated')

# Zenpy accepts an API token
creds = {
    'email': 'xxxxx@xxx.com',
    'token': '*************',
    'subdomain': 'xxxxxx'
rday = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)

# Default connect
zenpy_client = Zenpy(**creds)
print('Zendesk connected via zenpy')
requests = zenpy_client.tickets.events(start_time=rday,include=None)

# loop the tickets and insert to dwh
for request in requests:
    req_json = json.dumps(request.to_dict(), sort_keys=False)
    insert_query = '''INSERT INTO ticket_events(info) VALUES ( $$ ''' + req_json + ''' $$ )'''


下面是我定义为取值的 table 结构,但我觉得不是这样 good.I 希望这个 table 随数据递增更新并删除任何它有冗余数据(如果有的话)。请对此提出任何建议。

drop table if exists zendesk_ticket_events;
create table  zendesk_ticket_events as
    CAST (info ->> 'id' as   BIGINT) as parent_id,
    CAST (info ->> 'ticket_id' as   BIGINT) as ticket_id,
    CAST (info ->> 'updater_id' as  BIGINT) as updater_id,
    CAST (info ->> 'via' as   VARCHAR (50)) as via,
    CAST (info ->> 'event_type' as VARCHAR (50)) as parent_event_type,
    CAST (info ->> 'created_at' as timestamp without time zone) as created_at,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'via_reference_id'as TEXT)  AS via_reference_id,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'id'as TEXT)  AS child_id,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'assignee_id' as BIGINT)  AS assignee_id,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'subject' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS subject,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'requester_id'as TEXT)  AS requester_id,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'status' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS status,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'priority' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS priority,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'comment_public' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS comment_public,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'comment_present' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS comment_present,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'event_type' as   VARCHAR (50)) AS child_event_type,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'previous_value'as TEXT)  AS previous_value,
    CAST(enrolment_info->>'group_id'as TEXT)  AS group_id
    FROM ticket_events t, json_array_elements(t.info -> 'child_events') AS enrolment_info;

下面是示例 data.Can 谁能交叉验证下面的数据,让我知道上面的 table 结构是否正确?

  "child_events": [
      "id": 54334560,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "comment_present": true,
      "comment_public": true,
      "event_type": "Comment"
      "id": 54334580,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "subject": "Order 10056 on 20.03.20",
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334600,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "requester_id": 369854,
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334620,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "locale_id": "8",
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 543342310640,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "status": "new",
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334660,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "priority": null,
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334700,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "type": null,
      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334740,
      "via": "Mail",
      "via_reference_id": null,
      "tags": [
      "added_tags": [
      "removed_tags": [

      "event_type": "Create"
      "id": 54334860,
      "via": "Rule",
      "via_reference_id": 44967,
      "group_id": 2117,
      "rel": "trigger",
      "revision_id": 1,
      "event_type": "Change",
      "previous_value": null
  "id": 54334540,
  "ticket_id": 159978,
  "updater_id": 369854,
  "via": "Mail",
  "created_at": "2020-03-29T18:41:22Z",
  "event_type": "Audit",
  "timestamp": 1585507282,
  "system": {
    "client": "Microsoft Outlook 14.0",
    "ip_address": null,
    "latitude": 48.3074,
    "location": "Linz, 4, Austria",
    "longitude": 14.285

从您创建的地方 table - 直到您创建 rday 变量 - 我已将代码更改为:

create_table_sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' \
          'ticket_events ( ID serial NOT NULL ' \
         'PRIMARY KEY, info json NOT NULL); ' # create table only if not present already


# Zenpy accepts an API token
creds = {
    'email': 'xxxxx@xxx.com',
    'token': '*************',
    'subdomain': 'xxxxxx'

select_max_created = 'SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM ticket_events;' #get max-created-date of your DB 
row = cur.fetchone() # single row 
created_at = datetime.datetime(row[0])  
rday = created_at + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) # buffer of 1 hour