使用 MIT/GNU 方案

Using MIT/GNU Scheme

为了理解计算机程序的结构与解释,我下载了MIT/GNU LISP 方案实现。但是,我对启动该程序时正在处理的内容感到有些困惑。当程序启动时,我得到两个 windows: "MIT/GNU Scheme" window 和 "Edwin: *scheme*" window.

这两个windows有什么用? "MIT/GNU Scheme" 是某种命令行解释器吗?而另一个是可以编写和保存代码的地方?

补充问题:如果MIT/GNU Scheme是一个命令行解释器,如何让“1]=>”提示符显示出来。如果另一个是我编写程序的地方,我该如何测试和保存程序?

MIT/GNU Scheme 应该从最小化开始。它只是一个启动编辑器的后台控制台window。你不需要关注它(也不能与之互动)。

Edwin: *scheme*Edwin text editor, which looks to me like some sort of Emacs derivative. It allows you to not only write Scheme scripts but also evaluate Scheme expressions interactively. However, to do this you will need to learn the appropriate keybindings and commands, and some familiarity with Emacs would certainly help here too. Therefore I suggest reading the documentation.