Java 的 public 密钥表示与 RFC 8410 之间存在差异

Discrepancy between Java's public key representation and RFC 8410

RFC 8410 将此列为 Ed25519 public 密钥的示例:MCowBQYDK2VwAyEAGb9ECWmEzf6FQbrBZ9w7lshQhqowtrbLDFw4rXAxZuE=

用 ASN.1 解码器解码,变成:

30 2A
  30 05
    06 03 2B6570 // Algorithm Identifier
  03 21 0019BF44096984CDFE8541BAC167DC3B96C85086AA30B6B6CB0C5C38AD703166E1

正如预期的那样,这符合 RFC 中的 SubjectPublicKeyInfo 定义。

使用 Java 11+ 中的 Sun 加密提供程序我可以使用此代码生成 X25519(不是 Ed25519 - 这是下面算法标识符的区别)public 密钥:

import java.util.Base64;

public class PrintPublicKey {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("X25519");
        byte[] encodedPublicKey = generator.generateKeyPair().getPublic().getEncoded();


用 ASN.1 解码器解码,变成:

30 2C
  30 07
    06 03 2B656E // Algorithm Identifier
    05 00        // Algorithm Parameters - NULL
  03 21 00E55CA23F70CA080A7411AD5FB873FFEF8879D7328075F74FF3D8C5FFA2D25043

这在对象标识符后有一个明确的 NULL。根据规范,这是否有效?它说:

In this document, we define four new OIDs for identifying the different curve/algorithm pairs: the curves being curve25519 and curve448 and the algorithms being ECDH and EdDSA in pure mode.

For all of the OIDs, the parameters MUST be absent.


It is possible to find systems that require the parameters to be present. This can be due to either a defect in the original 1997 syntax or a programming error where developers never got input where this was not true. The optimal solution is to fix these systems; where this is not possible, the problem needs to be restricted to that subsystem and not propagated to the Internet.

因此,对 Oracle 实施行为的一个合理解释是,他们希望与需要参数的旧系统进行互操作。这是您为防止拥有大量支持合同的大客户大声抱怨 "upgrading to Java 11 broke my infrastructure".
