如何在 Assembly 中使用鼠标?

How to use mouse in Assembly?

我需要编写一个汇编代码,如果你点击屏幕上的特定图标,就会激活一个声音。(例如:钢琴) 怎么做?

我正在使用 Assembly 86 和 dosbox 0.74-3 如果有帮助。

这是创建钢琴的代码(5 个白色矩形) 我需要当鼠标点击其中一个矩形时,它会发出声音。

我知道如何发出声音,我只需要在单击图标时听到声音即可。 备注是希伯来语因为是我的母语

MODEL small
STACK 100h
; --------------------------
color db 12
Player_CoordinateIn_X dw 5
Player_CoordinateIn_Y dw 10 
Player_CoordinateIn_X1 dw 40
Player_CoordinateIn_X2 dw 75
Player_CoordinateIn_X3 dw 110
Player_CoordinateIn_X4 dw 145
Player_CoordinateIn_X5 dw 180
Player_CoordinateIn_X6 dw 215
Player_CoordinateIn_X7 dw 250

include "iconbox.asm"

; --------------------------
; ---------------------------------------

proc printIcon
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon

proc drawIcon
;פרוצדורה מקבלת מיקום ותמונה
;פרוצדורה מדפיסה תמונה במיקום המבוקש
iconOffset EQU [BP+14] ;מספר האייקון
iconWidth EQU [BP+12] ;רוחב האייקון
iconHeight EQU [BP+10] ;גובה האייקון
iconColor EQU [BP+8] ;צבע האייקון
iconX EQU [BP+6] ;מיקום ציר X
iconY EQU [BP+4] ;מיקום ציר Y

 add [bp],10
 push bp
 mov bp,sp
 mov si,0
 mov di,0
 mov bx,iconOffset
 mov dx,iconY
 cmp [byte ptr bx],0
 je afterPixel
 MOV AX,iconColor
 MOV CX,iconX
 INT 10H
 inc bx
 inc si
 cmp si,iconWidth
 jne bigLoop
 mov si,0
 inc dx
 inc di
 cmp di,iconHeight
 jne bigLoop
 pop bp
 ret 12
endp drawIcon

proc open_grafic
    mov ax,13h
    int 10h
endp open_grafic
proc printIcon2
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X1] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon2
proc printIcon1
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X2] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon1
proc printIcon3
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X3] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon3
proc printIcon4
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X4] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon4
proc printIcon5
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X5] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon5
proc printIcon6
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X6] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon6
proc printIcon7
 push offset iconbox ;שם האייקון
 push 25d ;Width
 push 150d ;Height
 push 15D ;Color
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_X7] ; x location
 push [Player_CoordinateIn_Y] ;y location
 call drawIcon
endp printIcon7
    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax
; -------------------------
call open_grafic
call printIcon
call printIcon1
call printIcon2
call printIcon3
call printIcon4
call printIcon5
call printIcon6
call printIcon7
    ; --------------------------
    mov ax,0h
int 33h
; Show mouse
mov ax,1h
int 33h
; Loop until mouse click
MouseLP :
mov ax,3h
int 33h
cmp bx, 01h ; check left mouse click
jne MouseLP
; Print dot near mouse location
shr cx,1 ; adjust cx to range 0-319, to fit screen
sub dx, 1 ; move one pixel, so the pixel will not be hidden by mouse
mov bh,0h
mov al,[color]
mov ah,0Ch
int 10h
; Press any key to continue
mov ah,00h
 int 16h
; Text mode
mov ax,3h
int 10h


end start


    mov     ax, 0003h   ; MOUSE.GetMousePosition
    int     33h         ; -> BX CX DX
    test    bx, 1       ; Is left button down?
    jz      MouseLP     ; No
    shr     cx, 1       ; Adjust cx to range 0-319, to fit screen

一旦点击到达,您就开始将您在 CX (X) 和 DX (Y) 中获得的坐标与您感兴趣的矩形的坐标进行比较:

您所有的矩形都具有相同的宽度 (25) 和高度 (150)。
下一个片段将检查鼠标是否在您的第一个矩形上方单击,其左上角位于 (Player_CoordinateIn_X1, Player_CoordinateIn_Y).

    mov     ax, [Player_CoordinateIn_X1]  ; UpperLeftCornerX
    cmp     cx, ax
    jb      Outside
    add     ax, 25-1                      ; LowerRightCornerX
    cmp     cx, ax
    ja      Outside
    mov     ax, [Player_CoordinateIn_Y]   ; UpperLeftCornerY
    cmp     dx, ax
    jb      Outside
    add     ax, 150-1                     ; LowerRightCornerY
    cmp     dx, ax
    ja      Outside
    ... Make the corresponding sound!
    ... Go check for another mouse click!

proc drawIcon
 add [bp],10
 push bp
 mov bp,sp

您的 drawIcon 过程以这条奇怪的指令开始 add [bp],10。它应该做什么?