嵌入式 Jetty 不提供空文件

Embedded Jetty not serving empty files

设置: 我已经设置了嵌入式码头 (v9.1) 以使用 setDirectoriesListed(true) 提供静态文件,我正在使用的代码如下:

    // Create a basic Jetty server object that will listen on port 8080.  Note that if you set this to port 0
    // then a randomly available port will be assigned that you can either look in the logs for the port,
    // or programmatically obtain it for use in test cases.
    Server server = new Server(9090);

    // Create the ResourceHandler. It is the object that will actually handle the request for a given file. It is
    // a Jetty Handler object so it is suitable for chaining with other handlers as you will see in other examples.
    ResourceHandler resource_handler = new ResourceHandler();
    // Configure the ResourceHandler. Setting the resource base indicates where the files should be served out of.
    // In this example it is the current directory but it can be configured to anything that the jvm has access to.
    resource_handler.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{ "index.html" });

    // Add the ResourceHandler to the server.
    HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
    handlers.setHandlers(new Handler[] { resource_handler, new DefaultHandler() });

    // Start things up! By using the server.join() the server thread will join with the current thread.
    // See "http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/Thread.html#join()" for more details.


当我导航到地址 http://localhost:9090/ 时,我看到目录中列出的文件,我可以单击并打开单个文本文件。

问题: 由于一些莫名其妙的原因,只有当我点击一个 0 字节的文件(又名它是一个空文件,但仍显示在浏览器中)时,连接尝试加载但最终超时(30 秒)并且我在 safari 中得到一个响应说 "server unexpectedly dropped the connection." 此外,当我对 0 字节文件进行 HttpURLConnection 时,我得到返回的内容长度 - 1;这当然只适用于空文件。

在独立 Jetty 中看到的预期行为: 当我使用独立 Jetty 并提供相同的文件时,我能够 "open" 只是 returns Web 浏览器中的空白页面。使用 HttpURLConnection 时,我得到的内容长度为 0。

虽然这看起来像是一项 "pointless" 任务,但一台服务器正在以编程方式与嵌入式码头服务器同步(因此我希望同步那些空文件)。我想这与资源处理程序看到 0 字节有关,因为它服务于静态内容,但我不太确定如何获得与现在独立码头服务器相同的行为,它在尝试拉动时出错空文件。


您的代码至少在 Jetty 9.2.7.v20140116 上按原样运行


package jetty;

import java.io.File;

import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ResourceHandler;

public class SimpleResources
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Server server = new Server(9090);

        String resourceBase = System.getProperty("resourceBase", ".");

        System.err.printf("Resource Base is: %s%n", new File(resourceBase).getAbsolutePath());

        ResourceHandler resource_handler = new ResourceHandler();
        resource_handler.setWelcomeFiles(new String[] { "index.html" });

        HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
        handlers.setHandlers(new Handler[] { resource_handler, new DefaultHandler() });

        catch (Throwable t)

我 运行 它将 -DresourceBase 系统 属性 指向具有以下内容的目录 ...

$ ls -la
total 8
drwxrwxr-x. 2 joakim joakim 4096 Jan 20 11:53 .
drwxrwxr-x. 3 joakim joakim 4096 Jan 20 11:53 ..
-rw-rw-r--. 1 joakim joakim    0 Jan 20 11:53 foo.txt

一旦 运行 控制台显示 ...

2015-01-20 11:55:07.788:INFO::main: Logging initialized @68ms
Resource Base is: /home/joakim/code/Jetty/empties
2015-01-20 11:55:07.837:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.7.v20150116
2015-01-20 11:55:07.860:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@5461eda{HTTP/1.1}{}
2015-01-20 11:55:07.861:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @144ms


$ curl --dump-header - http://localhost:9090/foo.txt
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 18:55:39 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Server: Jetty(9.2.7.v20150116)



  • 9.2.6.v20141205 - 相同的结果
  • 9.2.4.v20141103 - 相同的结果
  • 9.2.1.v20140609 - 相同的结果
  • 9.1.5.v20140505 - 响应头中没有Date,其余相同(是的,它也发送Content-Length: 0