TwigFilter 可调用参数的 Psalm 错误
Psalm error for TwigFilter callable parameter
我从 psalm 得到这个关于 twig 扩展的错误:
ERROR: InvalidArgument - src/Twig/CartExtension.php:44:17 - Argument 2
of Twig\TwigFilter::__construct expects callable|null,
array{App\Twig\CartExtension&static, string(getOfferDate)} provided
public function getFilters(): array
return [
new TwigFilter(
[$this, 'getOfferDate']
TwigFilter 签名是
* @param callable|null $callable A callable implementing the filter. If null, you need to overwrite the "node_class" option to customize compilation.
public function __construct(string $name, $callable = null, array $options = [])
twig 文档推荐这种格式
[$this, 'getOfferDate']
我如何修复这个 psalm 错误或告诉 psalm 接受它?
方法 getOfferDate()
应该在 class 中创建。在您的情况下,在 class CartExtension
我从 psalm 得到这个关于 twig 扩展的错误:
ERROR: InvalidArgument - src/Twig/CartExtension.php:44:17 - Argument 2 of Twig\TwigFilter::__construct expects callable|null, array{App\Twig\CartExtension&static, string(getOfferDate)} provided
public function getFilters(): array
return [
new TwigFilter(
[$this, 'getOfferDate']
TwigFilter 签名是
* @param callable|null $callable A callable implementing the filter. If null, you need to overwrite the "node_class" option to customize compilation.
public function __construct(string $name, $callable = null, array $options = [])
twig 文档推荐这种格式
[$this, 'getOfferDate']
我如何修复这个 psalm 错误或告诉 psalm 接受它?
方法 getOfferDate()
应该在 class 中创建。在您的情况下,在 class CartExtension