
RDFox access view

我可以使用 RDFox 版本 3 设置对知识图的仅查看权限吗? (无编辑)

我想创建不同的用户角色并控制谁可以 see/edit 什么权限,直至三重级别。


例如,您可以使用 role 命令和 create 子命令来创建新用户:

role create user1
Enter the password for the new role:
Confirm the password:    
A new role was created with name "user1".    
role create group   
Enter the password for the new role:    
Confirm the password:    
A new role was created with name "group”.    


> grant privileges read,write,grant >datastores|* to user1    
The privileges 'read,write,grant' over resource specifier ">datastores|*" were granted to the role "user1" (if not already present).    


> revoke privileges write,grant >datastores|* from user1    
The privileges 'write,grant' over resource specifier ">datastores|*" were revoked from the role "user1" (if they were present).

如果您随后使用 show 子命令,您可以看到用户拥有的 角色 和权限:

> role show user1

'user1' has the following directly assigned privileges:

  Resource specifier |  Allowed access types   

  >datastores|*      |  read                   
