从 zip 文件中读取 pdf

Reading a pdf from a zipfile

我正在尝试让 PyPDF2 读取一个简单的 zip 文件中的一个小 .pdf 文件。到目前为止,这是我得到的:

import PyPDF2,zipfile

with zipfile.ZipFile("TEST.zip") as z:
    filename = z.namelist()[0]
    a = z.filelist[0]
    b = z.open(filename)
    c = z.read(filename)


PdfReadWarning: PdfFileReader stream/file object is not in binary mode. It may not be read correctly. [pdf.py:1079] io.UnsupportedOperation: seek

该文件尚未提取,因此您无法使用 open() 对其进行操作。

不过没关系,因为 PdfFileReader wants a stream; so we can provide it using BytesIO。下面的示例获取解压缩的字节,并将它们提供给 BytesIO,使它们成为 PdfFileReader 的流。如果您省略了 BytesIO,您将得到:AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'seek'.

import PyPDF2,zipfile
from io import BytesIO                             

with zipfile.ZipFile('sample.zip','r') as z: 
    filename = z.namelist()[0] 
    pdf_file = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(BytesIO(z.read(filename))) 


In [20]: pdf_file
Out[20]: <PyPDF2.pdf.PdfFileReader at 0x7f01b61db2b0>

In [21]: pdf_file.getPage(0)
{'/Type': '/Page',
 '/Parent': {'/Type': '/Pages',
  '/Count': 2,
  '/Kids': [IndirectObject(4, 0), IndirectObject(6, 0)]},
 '/Resources': {'/Font': {'/F1': {'/Type': '/Font',
    '/Subtype': '/Type1',
    '/Name': '/F1',
    '/BaseFont': '/Helvetica',
    '/Encoding': '/WinAnsiEncoding'}},
  '/ProcSet': ['/PDF', '/Text']},
 '/MediaBox': [0, 0, 612, 792],
 '/Contents': {}}