
Enumeratum Circe Serialisation

我有一个简单的案例 class 像这样:

case class ColumnMetadata(name: String,
                          displayName: String,
                          description: Option[String],
                          attributeType: AttributeType)

sealed trait AttributeType extends EnumEntry

case object AttributeType extends Enum[AttributeType] with CirceEnum[AttributeType] {

 val values: immutable.IndexedSeq[AttributeType] = findValues

  case object Number extends AttributeType
  case object Text extends AttributeType
  case object Percentage extends AttributeType


package object circe {

  implicit val config: Configuration = Configuration.default.withSnakeCaseMemberNames

  implicit val columnMetaDecoder: Decoder[ColumnMetadata] = deriveConfiguredDecoder
  implicit val columnMetaEncoder: Encoder[ColumnMetadata] = deriveConfiguredEncoder

  implicit val columnTypeDecoder: Decoder[AttributeType] = deriveConfiguredDecoder
  implicit val columnTypeEncoder: Encoder[AttributeType] = deriveConfiguredEncoder


  ColumnMetadata("column1", "Column 1", Some("column1"), 


    "name" : "column1",
    "display_name" : "Column 1",
    "description" : "column1",
    "attribute_type" : {
      "Text": {}


    "name" : "column1",
    "display_name" : "Column 1",
    "description" : "column1",
    "attribute_type" : "Text"

它在我使用自动推导时有效,但我想使用半自动推导,因此我可以使用诸如 withSnakeCaseMemberNames 之类的功能。


  implicit val columnTypeDecoder: Decoder[AttributeType] = deriveConfiguredDecoder
  implicit val columnTypeEncoder: Encoder[AttributeType] = deriveConfiguredEncoder

这将导出新的编解码器,将 AttributeType 视为任何其他密封特征,因此它将使用区分值(半自动总是忽略它们正在导出的类型的现有编解码器!)。

所以你正在派生一个新的 AttributeType 编解码器,将它们放在使用它们的范围内,因此使这些新实现比来自伴随对象的实现具有更高的优先级。越接近隐含总是获胜。

如果您不派生编解码器(因为 CirceEnum trait 已经提供了现有的实现),那么它将按您的预期工作。


  implicit val columnMetaDecoder: Decoder[ColumnMetadata] = deriveConfiguredDecoder
  implicit val columnMetaEncoder: Encoder[ColumnMetadata] = deriveConfiguredEncoder


// make sure that Configuration is in scope by e.g. importing it
// or putting it in package object in the same package as case class
case class ColumnMetadata(name: String,
                          displayName: String,
                          description: Option[String],
                          attributeType: AttributeType)


// imports

package object models_package {

  private[models_package] implicit val config: Configuration = Configuration.default.withSnakeCaseMemberNames
package models_package

// imports

case class ColumnMetadata(name: String,
                          displayName: String,
                          description: Option[String],
                          attributeType: AttributeType)

sealed trait AttributeType extends EnumEntry
object AttributeType extends Enum[AttributeType] with CirceEnum[AttributeType] {

 val values: immutable.IndexedSeq[AttributeType] = findValues

  case object Number extends AttributeType
  case object Text extends AttributeType
  case object Percentage extends AttributeType