
Plain text emails displayed as attachment on some email clients

使用某些电子邮件客户端(Evolution、Thunderbird)可以正常查看电子邮件,但使用其他客户端(例如 GMX)时,邮件正文仍为空,并发送包含邮件正文的附件。


    my $ServerName = "";

    my $from_address = '';
    my $to_address   = '';
    my $subject      = 'MIME Test: Text';
    my $mime_type    = 'text';
    my $message_body = "This is a test.\n";
    # Create the initial text of the message
    my $mime_msg = MIME::Lite->new(
    From    => $from_address,
    To      => $to_address,
    Subject => $subject,
    Type    => $mime_type,
    Data    => encode("utf8",$message_body)

    ) or die "Error creating MIME body: $!\n";

    # encode body of message as a string so that we can pass it to Net::SMTP.

    $message_body = $mime_msg->body_as_string();

    # Let MIME::Lite handle the Net::SMTP details
    MIME::Lite->send( 'smtp', $ServerName,);# AuthUser => $user, AuthPass => $pass );
    $mime_msg->send() or die "Error sending message: $!\n";


documentation for MIME::Lite 是这样说的

MIME::Lite is not recommended by its current maintainer. There are a number of alternatives, like Email::MIME or MIME::Entity and Email::Sender, which you should probably use instead. MIME::Lite continues to accrue weird bug reports, and it is not receiving a large amount of refactoring due to the availability of better alternatives. Please consider using something else.

"current maintainer" 是独一无二的 Ricardo Signes,我建议您听从他的建议