.ics 文件是否有 "correct" 文件名?

Is there a "correct" file name for an .ics file?

有许多实现默认使用几乎无意义的名称(如“calendar.ics”“my appointment.ics”)或根本没有名称。如果它在 RFC 5545 中,我错过了。是否有其他合适的规范?


我认为没有,在 caldav 方面,它主要是生成的 UUID 或类似的东西。

引用卡尔达夫的 RFC 4791 - section 5.3.2:

Clients populate calendar collections with calendar object resources. The URL for each calendar object resource is entirely arbitrary and does not need to bear a specific relationship to the calendar object resource's iCalendar properties or other metadata. New calendar object resources MUST be created with a PUT request targeted at an unmapped URI. A PUT request targeted at a mapped URI updates an existing calendar object resource.


PUT /home/lisa/calendars/events/qwue23489.ics HTTP/1.1
   If-None-Match: *
   Host: cal.example.com
   Content-Type: text/calendar
   Content-Length: xxxx

即使您从 Mac 的日历发送 .ics 文件,它也只是将导出的日期和时间附加到名称 (iCal-20200528-202500.ics)。所以它可以是任何你想要的。