发生异常:将带有 Contextily 的底图添加到 GeoPandas 地图时出现 SSLError
Exception has occurred: SSLError when adding basemap with Contextily to GeoPandas map
我正在尝试使用 Contextily 将底图添加到使用 GeoPandas 创建的地图,但出现以下错误:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='a.tile.openstreetmap.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /14/8452/7869.png (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')])")))
File "D:\generate_udf_maps.py", line 42, in generate_map
ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik)
File "D:\generate_udf_maps.py", line 60, in <module>
generate_map(gdb_path, None, operations_file)
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import contextily as ctx
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p1 = Point(640864.516, 784724.566)
p2 = Point(638594.804, 788492.544)
p3 = Point(644076.197, 788141.637)
p4 = Point(641089.953, 789539.343)
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[p1, p2, p3, p4])
ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) # Error happens here. If this line is not present I get a map with just the points.
我找到了一个不太理想且不安全的临时解决方案,即通过在 C:\path_to_python_libraries\contextily\tile.py 的第 443 行中设置 verify=False
来关闭 SSL 验证,这样它就变成了:
request = requests.get(tile_url, headers={"user-agent": USER_AGENT}, verify=False)
我正在尝试使用 Contextily 将底图添加到使用 GeoPandas 创建的地图,但出现以下错误:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='a.tile.openstreetmap.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /14/8452/7869.png (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')])")))
File "D:\generate_udf_maps.py", line 42, in generate_map
ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik)
File "D:\generate_udf_maps.py", line 60, in <module>
generate_map(gdb_path, None, operations_file)
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import contextily as ctx
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
p1 = Point(640864.516, 784724.566)
p2 = Point(638594.804, 788492.544)
p3 = Point(644076.197, 788141.637)
p4 = Point(641089.953, 789539.343)
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[p1, p2, p3, p4])
ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) # Error happens here. If this line is not present I get a map with just the points.
我找到了一个不太理想且不安全的临时解决方案,即通过在 C:\path_to_python_libraries\contextily\tile.py 的第 443 行中设置 verify=False
来关闭 SSL 验证,这样它就变成了:
request = requests.get(tile_url, headers={"user-agent": USER_AGENT}, verify=False)