我怎样才能使微控制器按钮上的 while 循环更快?

How can I make this while loop faster on a microcontroller button?

我正在使用带有按钮 A 的微控制器。当我按下此按钮并按住它 2 秒时,它的值变为 0,颜色变为蓝色或绿色,当我松开时,它的值变为回到 1 但颜色保持不变,除非再次单击它并且颜色发生变化。问题是,更换 LED 灯不应该花费 2 秒。我该怎么做才能更快地读取值(0 或 1)?

这是 while 循环中的代码片段。

// here are the states for reference. Everything is either a 0 or a 1
const int BUTTON_PRESSED = 0;
const int BUTTON_UNPRESSED = 1;

const int GREEN_LED = 0;
const int BLUE_LED = 1;

    const struct timespec sleepTime = { 1, 0 };

    while (true) {
        Value_Type value;
        // this function get the input of button a when pressed
        GetValue(button_A_fd, &value);
           "Button value (%d)\n", value);

        // Processing the button.

        //Turns LED ON; Button not pressed down
        if (value == BUTTON_UNPRESSED) {
            last_button_state = BUTTON_UNPRESSED;
        } else {

            // if last button state is 1 then now it is being pressed
            if (last_button_state == BUTTON_UNPRESSED) {
                // Flip LEDs
                if (active_led == BLUE_LED) {
                    active_led = GREEN_LED;
                else if (active_led == GREEN_LED) {
                    active_led = BLUE_LED;

                last_button_state = BUTTON_PRESSED;
                // sets the pointer to the 0 bit of the file to write
                lseek(fd_storage, 0, SEEK_SET);
                // write current active led to mutable storage and save
                write(fd_storage, &active_led, sizeof(active_led));
        // Blinking the active LED.
        // reading input only when pressed and turn off other led
        if (active_led == GREEN_LED) {
            // turn off blue led, then turn on green
            SetValue(blue_led_fd, Value_High);
            SetValue(green_led_fd, Value_Low);
            nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
            SetValue(green_led_fd, Value_High);
            nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
        else if (active_led == BLUE_LED) {
            // turn off green led, then turn on blue
            SetValue(green_led_fd, Value_High);
            SetValue(blue_led_fd, Value_Low);
            nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
            SetValue(blue_led_fd, Value_High);
            nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);

我尝试将 GetValue() 放在代码的几个部分中,看看它是否可以更快地获取值,但它没有用。我怎样才能离开这里?我希望我分享了足够的代码来理解这个问题。谢谢。



您想从这个 link 查看 "Board Pin Map section" 以将其与芯片本身的规格 sheet 相匹配

看起来你的代码读取按钮的速度很快,然后立即设置输出并休眠 1 秒,设置输出并再休眠一秒,然后再检查按钮是否再次按下。

