使用名称访问和禁用 ToolStripItems(ToolStripButtons、ToolStripMenuItems)

Access and disable ToolStripItems (ToolStripButtons, ToolStripMenuItems) using their names

我想禁用名称存储在数据库中的 UI 个元素(控件、组件等)。
我的代码适用于控件,但我想访问(禁用它们)ToolStripItems,例如 ToolStripButtons、ToolStripMenuItems 等。


Dim df_command As New SqlCommand("select * from treftab where ref_data = 'INTERVENTION' and ref_code  = '0'", sfacon)
Dim df_reader As SqlDataReader = df_command.ExecuteReader

If df_reader.HasRows Then
    While df_reader.Read
        Dim reftext As String = df_reader("ref_text")
        Dim someVariable As Control = Nothing
        Dim SearchedControls = Me.Controls.Find(key:=reftext, searchAllChildren:=True)
        someVariable = SearchedControls(0)
        someVariable.Enabled = False
    End While
End If

您在 Form.Control 集合中找不到 ToolStrip 或 MenuStrip 项,因为这些 UI 元素不是控件,而是一种特殊的组件。
ToolStrip 和 MenuStrip 都继承自 Control,ToolStripMenuItems 继承自 Component 和 ToolStripItem(后者提供了 Enabled 属性)。

您可以构建一个 Dictionary(Of String, Boolean),其中包含要启用或禁用的 UI 元素的名称,具体取决于存储在您拥有的数据源中的值。

使用读取当前表单字段的方法,在字典中循环KeyValuePairs以查找与字典Keys匹配的元素并设置Enable 属性基于相应的Values


Dim names As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)()    

' [...]
While df_reader.Read()
    names.Add(df_reader("ref_text").ToString(), False)
End While

EnableDisableFormElements(Me, names)

该方法使用 Type.GetFields() to find all non public instance fields of the specified Form, the FieldInfo.GetValue() 获取由该字段表示的 UI 元素的实例。

然后确定 UI 元素是 Control 还是 ToolStripItem(从这些基础 类 继承的 UI 元素具有 Enabled 属性) 并使用存储在字典中的值设置它。

TrimStart("_"c) 之所以存在,是因为 VB.Net 有(IMO)在这些字段名称中添加下划线的坏习惯。使用 C# 不会发生这种情况。

Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Private Sub EnableDisableFormElements(parentForm As Form, elementNames As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean))
    Dim allFields = parentForm.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Instance)

    For Each element As KeyValuePair(Of String, Boolean) In elementNames
        Dim searchElement = allFields.FirstOrDefault(
        Function(f) f.Name.TrimStart("_"c).Equals(element.Key)).GetValue(parentForm)

        If searchElement IsNot Nothing Then
            If TypeOf searchElement Is Control Then
                DirectCast(searchElement, Control).Enabled = element.Value
            ElseIf TypeOf searchElement Is ToolStripItem Then
                DirectCast(searchElement, ToolStripItem).Enabled = element.Value
            End If
        End If
End Sub

ToolStrip and the derived controls, MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip, StatusStrip is the ToolStripItemCollection which has a Find method for the deep search just like the ControlCollection.Find method. So you have to search this collection through the Items properties of the mentioned controls for a ToolStripItem 或任何派生类型的项集合。


Public Function GetToolStripItem(toolStrip As ToolStrip, key As String) As ToolStripItem
    Return toolStrip.Items.Find(key, True).FirstOrDefault
End Function

... 并按如下方式调用它:

'Search a MenuStrip
Dim tsi = GetToolStripItem(MenuStrip1, key)

'Search a ToolStrip
Dim tsi = GetToolStripItem(ToolStrip1, key)

'Search a ContextMenuStrip
Dim tsi = GetToolStripItem(ContextMenuStrip1, key)

'Search a StatusStrip
Dim tsi = GetToolStripItem(StatusStrip1, key)

If tsi IsNot Nothing Then
    tsi.Enabled = False
End If

此外,您可以使用 TypeOf 运算符来确定项目的类型:

If TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripMenuItem Then
End If

If TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripDropDownItem Then
End If

If TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripButton Then
End If


Public Iterator Function GetAllToolStripItems(items As ToolStripItemCollection) As _
    IEnumerable(Of ToolStripItem)
    For Each tsi As ToolStripItem In items
        Yield tsi

        If TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripDropDownItem Then
            For Each ddi As ToolStripItem In
            GetAllToolStripItems(DirectCast(tsi, ToolStripDropDownItem).DropDownItems)
                Yield ddi
        End If
End Function

Public Iterator Function GetAllToolStripItems(Of T)(items As ToolStripItemCollection) As _
    IEnumerable(Of T)
    For Each tsi In items
        If TypeOf tsi Is T Then
            Yield DirectCast(tsi, T)
        ElseIf TypeOf tsi Is ToolStripDropDownItem Then
            For Each ddi In
            GetAllToolStripItems(Of T)(DirectCast(tsi, ToolStripDropDownItem).DropDownItems)
                Yield ddi
        End If
End Function


'Get them all...
Dim items = GetAllToolStripItems(TooStrip1.Items) 'or any derived control...

'Get for example the ToolStripComboBox items...
Dim items = GetAllToolStripItems(Of ToolStripComboBox)(MenuStrip1.Items)

请注意,在迭代器中,识别派生 类 的 ToolStripDropDownItem is necessary to get the ToolStripItemCollection 包括:

每个都继承 DropDownItems 属性 当然应该传递给迭代器。