在 bash 中组合表达式和参数扩展

Combine expressions and parameter expansion in bash

是否可以在bash中将参数扩展与算术表达式结合起来?例如,我可以在这里做一个单行来评估 lineNumnumChar 吗?

echo "Some lines here
Here is another
Oh look! Yet another" > 

lineNum=$( grep -n -m1 'Oh look!'  | cut -d : -f 1 )  #Get line number of "Oh look!"
(( lineNum-- ))                                         # Correct for array indexing

readarray -t lines < 

substr=${lines[lineNum]%%Y*}                            # Get the substring "Oh look! "
numChar=${#substr}                                      # Get the number of characters in the substring
(( numChar -= 2 ))                                      # Get the position of "!" based on the position of "Y"

echo $lineNum
echo $numChar

> 2


至于在匹配 Oh look! 正则表达式的行中获取 ! 的位置,只需:

awk -F'!' '/Oh look!/{ print length() + 1; quit }' "$file"


awk -F':' '/^[[:space:]][A-Z]/{ print length() - 2; quit }' "$file"

Is it possible to combine parameter expansion with arithmetic expressions in bash?

为了计算 ${#substr} 你必须有子字符串。所以你可以:

substr=${lines[lineNum-1]%%.*}; numChar=$((${#substr} - 2))

您还可以编辑 grep 并让 bash 完成对 Y 的过滤,但是 awk 会快很多:

IFS=Y read -r line _ < <(grep -m1 'Oh look!' "$file")
numChar=$((${#line} - 2))

您仍然可以将 3 行合并为:

numChar=$(( $(<<<${lines[lineNum - 1]%%Y*} wc -c) - 1))