Rally API 缺陷查询返回不准确的结果

Rally API defect query returning inaccurate results

我正在使用 Rally API v2.0 访问缺陷列表。标准是从特定项目中获取所有 SubmittedOpenFixed 缺陷。虽然我能够得到一个相当大的列表,但我并没有得到每一个缺陷。例如,我注意到有些缺陷被标记为 Fixed,但也处于 Accepted 计划状态。这些缺陷不予退回。我发现所有其他进度状态(想法、已定义、进行中、已发布)都有缺陷,但未被接受。


const query = "(((State%20%3D%20%22Submitted%22)%20OR%20(State%20%3D%20%22Open%22))%20OR%20(State%20%3D%20%22Open%22))";
const _fetch = "Applications,CreationDate,Description,FormattedID,Iteration,LastUpdateDate,Name,ObjectID,Owner,PlanEstimate,Project,ScheduleState,Severity,State";
const start = 1;
const pagesize = 2000;
const project = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/project/<my_actual_project_id>";

// Set header
const headersMeta = {'ZSESSIONID': this.apiKey};
const options = {
    headers: headersMeta

// Build the url
const url = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/defect?query=" + query +
    "&fetch=" + _fetch +
    "&start=" + start +
    "&pagesize=" + pagesize +
    "&project=" + project;

fetch(url, options) // more code to handle the response. No issues here.

再次,我确实收到了来自我的项目的 Open, Submitted, or Fixed 缺陷的回复。我 没有 AcceptedSchedule State 中得到任何东西。

好吧,我搞砸了。我的查询搜索 Open 两次,但从未检查过 Fixed。问题已解决。

留下 post 作为 运行 拉力赛 API 电话会议的示例。


const query = "(((State = %22Submitted%22) OR (State = %22Open%22)) OR (State = %22Fixed%22))";