Flask - 无法覆盖需要不同子域的蓝图的默认子域

Flask - Can't override default subdomain for blueprints needing a different subdomain

我有一个 Flask project/app,希望它主要来自 app.example.com。我在这个应用程序中也有一个蓝图,只能从 api.example.com.


现在,如果我将 app 设置为默认子域,我将无法在其他应从不同子域(例如 api)提供服务的蓝图中覆盖此默认值。事实上,任何使用不同子域创建的蓝图都将出现 404。

换句话说,下面的代码不起作用(api.example.com/test2 将 404):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask, Blueprint

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'example.com'
app.url_map.default_subdomain = 'app' # set default subdomain, intending to override it below for `api.*`

appbp = Blueprint('app', 'app')
apibp = Blueprint('api', 'api') 

def app_hello():
    # this works (app.example.com/test1)
    return 'appbp.app_hello'

def api_hello():
    # this will 404 (api.example.com/test2)
    return 'apibp.api_hello'

app.register_blueprint(appbp) # this works, serves from `app.example.com`
app.register_blueprint(apibp, subdomain='api') # doesn't work, `api.example.com/test2` will 404, so will `app.example.com/test2` (tried just in case it was using the default subdomain instead)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port=8888, debug=True)

但是,如果我不设置默认子域,而是 而是在每次注册蓝图时设置一个子域,那么 appapi:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from flask import Flask, Blueprint

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'example.com'
# app.url_map.default_subdomain = 'app' # now try without a default

appbp = Blueprint('app', 'app') 
apibp = Blueprint('api', 'api')

def app_hello():
    # this works (app.example.com/test1)
    return 'appbp.app_hello'

def api_hello():
    # this works (api.example.com/test2)
    return 'apibp.api_hello'

app.register_blueprint(appbp, subdomain='app') # works, explicitly set subdomain on each blueprint
app.register_blueprint(apibp, subdomain='api') # works, explicitly set subdomain on each blueprint

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(host='', port=8888, debug=True)


 <Rule 'app|/test1' (OPTIONS, GET, HEAD) -> app.app_hello>
 <Rule 'api|/test2' (OPTIONS, GET, HEAD) -> api.api_hello>

但是,很明显,设置 app.url_map.default_subdomain 打算稍后覆盖它与仅手动显式设置子域之间存在差异。



app.register_blueprint(apibp, subdomain='api')


apibp = Blueprint('api', 'api', subdomain='api')

缺少的是 subdomain_matching option for Flask():

subdomain_matching – consider the subdomain relative to SERVER_NAME when matching routes. Defaults to False.


app = Flask(__name__, subdomain_matching=True)

这过去是隐式完成的,但从 Flask 1.0 开始,它是一个显式开关。进行更改是因为不同的人对设置 SERVER_NAME 的含义有不同的期望,请参阅 Flask issue #998

至于在哪里设置subdomain选项,那是你的选择。如果您在不同的上下文中重复使用蓝图,那么在 app.register_blueprint() 调用中设置子域选项更有意义,而在 Blueprint() 实例调用中设置它可能会使它更加自我记录,如果你是在靠近您的路线的地方创建该蓝图对象,因此想让处理该代码的人更清楚他们只影响特定的子域。