
How to avoid infinite loop when conforming to a protocol with the same variable name in Swift?

给定 FooModule 中的以下协议:

protocol Id {
    var id: String { get }

protocol Foo {
    var id: Id { get }

...以及来自 ThirdPartyModule 的一些不符合它的类型,但已经有一个 属性 id:

struct 3rdPartyId {
   var id: String

struct 3rdPartyElement {
    var id: 3rdPartyId


extension 3rdPartyId: MyModule.Id {
    var id: String { return self.id }

extension 3rdPartyElement: MyModule.Element {
    var id: MyModule.Id { return self.id }


如何扩展 3rdPartyElement 以符合 MyModule.Element 协议而不会出现无限循环...?


extension 3rdPartyElement: MyModule.Element {}

... 因为已经有一个 属性 id 的类型应该满足协议。然而,这也不起作用,我收到一个编译器错误,告诉我添加 属性 getter,这当然会形成一个循环。


public enum Bar {
    public struct Id {
        private var _id: String = ""
        public var id: String {
            get { _id }
            set { _id = newValue }
        public init(id: String) {
            _id = id

    public struct Bar {
        public var id: Id

// MARK: - Protocols

protocol Id {
    var id: String { get }

protocol Foo {
    var id: Id { get }

// MARK: - Conformance

// (1) Declare that the type conforms to the protocol 
//     (won't compile without the second extension below)
extension Bar.Id: Id {}

// (2) Extend the protocol enough to ensure the compiler
//     knows how the protocol conformance declared in (1)
//     is supposed to actually work.  
extension Id where Self == Bar.Id {
    var id: String { self.id }
    init(id: String) {
        self.init(id: id)

// (1) Declare that the type conforms to the protocol 
//     (won't compile without the second extension below)
extension Bar.Bar: Foo {}

// (2) Extend the protocol enough to ensure the compiler
//     knows how the protocol conformance declared in (1)
//     is supposed to actually work.  
extension Foo where Self == Bar.Bar {
    var id: Id { self.id }


这之所以有效,是因为协议扩展中的函数体/属性 访问器具有一种特殊的能力,这种能力仅适用于协议扩展(但不适用于 structs/classes 上的扩展)。

协议扩展的这种特殊能力是扩展中的实现可以访问声明的相同变量或函数的结构's/class的原始实现在符合正在扩展的协议并满足 where 子句要求的任何类型中。


extension Foo where Self == Bar.Bar {
    var id: Id { self.id }