如果我已经安装了 redux 是否应该安装 flutter_redux

Should I install redux if I already have installed flutter_redux

我正在设置我的应用程序以使用 redux,并且刚刚安装 flutter_redux but noticed that class Store was not found to import which should be passed to StoreProvider. After installing redux package separately, imports were available. The siteredux 是该库的依赖项,那么我为什么要单独安装 redux?

flutter_redux是flutter端的封装,状态变化后可以调用builder redux 包是处理状态的 dart 端包,你应该将 fultter_redux 和 redux 添加到你的依赖项中

A set of utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Flutter Widgets.

This package is built to work with Redux.dart 3.0.0+.