如何在我自己的 Azure 网站上托管 Nuget Gallery?

How do I host Nuget Gallery in my own Azure website?

我从 git clone git@github.com:NuGet/NuGetGallery.git 中得到了 downloaded nuget gallery code,因为我曾尝试 setup gallery in local IIS 但我没有得到错误 [No relevant source lines]


can anyone give me link for code that I can configure and host it on my Azure website?


  1. 已从中移除 NuGetGallery.csproj
  2. 已将 http://localhost/nuget 更改为 http://localhost:4040 在 NuGetGallery.csproj
  3. 添加到 配置
  4. 已添加文件夹src/NuGetGallery/App_Data/Mail