jstree 没有根据提供的 json 创建树

jstree isnt creating the tree from json provided

我正在使用 jstree 在我正在编写的 PHP 应用程序中为一家公司创建位置、房间和资产的树状视图。

此树的目的是允许用户在预订向导期间 select 资产,该向导会为特定资产创建标注作业。



<div class="panel panel-primary" style="overflow:auto;" id="assetSelectContainer">
  <div class="panel-body">
    <div id="assetInfo" style="float:right;height:400px;width:45%;">
      <div class="panel panel-default" style="margin:10px;overflow:visible;">
        <div class="panel-heading" style="padding-top:20px;">
          <h4 id="assetname"></h4>
        <div class="panel-body">
          <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Location: <span id="locationname"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Room: <span id="locationroom"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Make: <span id="assetmake"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Model: <span id="assetmodel"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Type: <span id="assettype"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Serial No.: <span id="assetserial"></span></li>
            <li class="list-group-item">Asset Tag: <span id="assettag"></span>

    <div class="companyAssetTree" style="float:left;height:400px;width:45%;border:1px solid #ccc;">


Jquery 来自 bookingwizard.js:

switch (curStep) {
  case 1:

    var jsondata = $.get("../php/treeviewJSON.php");
    var xdata = ''
    //Load First Dropdown Data
      "plugins": ["themes", "html_data", "ui", "cookie"],
      'core': {
        'check_callback': true,
        'data': {
          url: "../php/treeviewJSON.php"


JSON 从服务器返回:

    "id": "string",
    "parent": "#",
    "text": "Head Office",
    "icon": "fas fa-compass",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office"
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "#",
    "text": "Manchester",
    "icon": "fas fa-compass",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Manchester"
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "#",
    "text": "Birmingham",
    "icon": "fas fa-compass",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Birmingham"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Server Room",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Server Room"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Office Block 1",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Office Block 1"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Office Block 2",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Office Block 2"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Marketing",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Marketing"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Sales",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Sales"
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Customer Service",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Customer Service"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Accounts",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Accounts"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Head Office",
    "text": "Human Resources",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Head Office",
      "room": "Human Resources"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Manchester",
    "text": "Sales",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Manchester",
      "room": "Sales"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Manchester",
    "text": "Server Room",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Manchester",
      "room": "Server Room"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Manchester",
    "text": "Reception",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Manchester",
      "room": "Reception"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Manchester",
    "text": "Office Block 1",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Manchester",
      "room": "Office Block 1"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Birmingham",
    "text": "Sales",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Birmingham",
      "room": "Sales"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Birmingham",
    "text": "Office Block 1",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Birmingham",
      "room": "Office Block 1"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Birmingham",
    "text": "Reception",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Birmingham",
      "room": "Reception"
  }, {
    "id": "string",
    "parent": "Birmingham",
    "text": "Server Room",
    "icon": "fas fa-city",
    "li_attr": {
      "locationname": "",
      "room": "",
      "assetid": 0,
      "assetSerialNo": "",
      "assetTag": ""
    "li_atrr": {
      "locationname": "Birmingham",
      "room": "Server Room"

我已经遵循了 jstree 网站上的文档,但我不确定我在这里做错了什么,我遵循了它们的替代结构 JSON 格式:

// Alternative format of the node (id & parent are required)
  id: "string" // required
  parent: "string" // required
  text: "string" // node text
  icon: "string" // string for custom
  state: {
    opened: boolean // is the node open
    disabled: boolean // is the node disabled
    selected: boolean // is the node selected
  li_attr: {} // attributes for the generated LI node
  a_attr: {} // attributes for the generated A node

并且树甚至没有从服务器返回的 JSON 构建。


我重新解决这个问题的方法是从服务器端为 treeView 创建 HTML,然后将其加载到元素的 HTML 中,之后我调用了 treeView


由于 html 结构已经全部存在,因此树已经创建,让我免于尝试纠正大量 JSON 数据的头痛。